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  1. #1
    Liz is offline
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    Advice! Best P&S for student

    Michael just wants an all around camera for taking fun pics of peers, vacation, etc. And the kids are into the small, flat, kits in pocket.

    He isn't the most careful person - forgetful - typical teen.

    We're looking to spend about $150. I saw quite a few brands/models (Canon, Olympus, Fujifilm, etc) on B&H website from $129 to $160.

    What brand/model would be the best deal in your opinion and/or experience?

    Thanks for any input.


  2. #2
    Nikon Samurai #14 DownByFive's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Advice! Best P&S for student

    I have a Canon Powershot S230 as my backup, and it fits easily in my pocket, has a sturdy metal construction, and most importantly, it takes great photos. I probably get about 300 shots per charge, maybe less, I haven't really been keeping track lately, but the battery does pretty well. I'm sure that the other brands have great p&s cameras, but my experience with the Powershot has been awesome, and I think the new models are even smaller than the S230, with more features...

  3. #3
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Advice! Best P&S for student

    The "s" Powershots are a bit expensive. How does this one look to you - and how does it compare with the others? I'm also a Canon person - never had anything else. I have a Canon Rebel D.

    Thanks for your help.


  4. #4
    Nikon Samurai #14 DownByFive's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Advice! Best P&S for student

    For that price, it's hard to go wrong. There's also some pretty good deals on ebay for the A400 with like 256mb of memory for about the same price as just the camera at B&H...

  5. #5
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Advice! Best P&S for student

    Great. Thanks for the info. BTW, the prices of the CF cards have dropped too - even at B&H. They are now $19.95 for a 256 (although not like getting it "free").


    Quote Originally Posted by DownByFive
    For that price, it's hard to go wrong. There's also some pretty good deals on ebay for the A400 with like 256mb of memory for about the same price as just the camera at B&H...

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