It has always bothered me that digital SLR's cannot accomodate a lens in the way that we learned with film cameras. We must take our lens and multiply the focal length by 1.5 or some other factor supplied by the manufacturer to determine what we see through the viewfinder. Not only is it a pain in the bumpkus to relearn what has become second nature to us, but it is yet another expense (as if the camera bodies are not outrageous enough) to obtain complete lens "coverage" - particularly at the wide angle end of the spectrum. I know that a (very) few cameras have recently been introduced that correct this problem, but my question is
What is the future?
Are we expected to continue using the multipliers in the digital world, or will the manufacturers make the "correction" and accomodate our way of thinking as they introduce new models? More to the point, are they nuts?! Why didn't they take this into account in the first place?