I've been researching DSLRs for a while now, as to be well informed on my next camera purchase. I've leaning heavily towards the D70, but my wife mentioned that she would also like a decent 35mm film SLR too. So, I told her it would be retarded not to get bodies that wouldn't interchange lenses for obvious reasons. So, my question is, do "DSLR" specific lenses (like the 18-70 that comes with the D70) work with film camera bodies? I was reading the specs on the Nikon site of the 18-70 that comes with the D70 and the describe it as being made specifically for the DSLR.. What I'm getting at, would it work ok to get the D70 kit with lens and later get the N80 body and be able the share the lens. I'd probably end up getting a 70-300 telephoto soon afterwards, and macro lens sometime later. That setup I think is the most economical way (for me) to get up and running and be able to cover probably 95% of all my shooting situations. If for some reason the 18-70 didn't work with the N80 then I'd probbly get the N80 with it's kit lens, but that would cost a bit more.