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  1. #1
    Paintball Player
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Bentonville, Arknsas, USA

    You paid photographers

    Hey, this is for you professional/ paid photographers.

    I aspire to be a photographer/ journalist, I'd like to know what it's like to be paid to take pictures for a magazine or write for a magazine.

    I'm really asking on where I should start if I want my dream job to become a reality..

  2. #2
    Co-Moderator, Photography as Art forum megan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Planet Megan - Astoria, NY

    Re: You paid photographers

    Quote Originally Posted by DKilla
    Hey, this is for you professional/ paid photographers.

    I aspire to be a photographer/ journalist, I'd like to know what it's like to be paid to take pictures for a magazine or write for a magazine.

    I'm really asking on where I should start if I want my dream job to become a reality..
    Where does one start? Oh man - by picking up a camera, I guess that would be a start. Okay, I'm being facetious. But really - just hone your skills, find your interests, and find a way to capitalize on that.

  3. #3
    A loooong way from 1000! Cowgirl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Cool Re: You paid photographers

    Not to rain on your parade, but the photo industry to tough to break into. Now with digital cameras, its worse, since more aspiring photographers are posting images everwhere online. If you really, really love photography - do not despair!

    You have to work hard-really hard. You have to meet with the editors, be friendly with them - even after they turn you away. Then learn from that experience and figure out ways to better market yourself and your images. Market Yourself!

    Make yourself, your work, and your website - SCREAM to your viewers that you are a Pro!

    Never loose your photo creativity and constantly strive to better yourself and your artistic 'eye'.

    It can happen!


  4. #4
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Middle Florida

    Self assignment...

    Most in the position of handing out photo assignments are not going to give one to you unless you show that you already can do it. So how do you get experience shooting the kinds of assignments you have to have experience to get?

    The answer is self-assignment, meaning you have to create mock assignments and shoot them as if you are being paid. Whether you simply imitate things already published in newspapers or magazines, or use original ideas that you came up with, you have to put together a portfolio of work showing you can either tell a story or capture a feeling or the personality of a subject with pictures.

    At the same time, you need to hone an efficient and professional workflow that will include communicating with any of a number of people (some of whom will need to be pursuaded to do certain things or allow YOU to do certain things); organizing your equipment, materials, and transportation to be in the right place at the right time; and learning to work under the pressure of a deadline.

    Oh, one more little thing: you need to make sure you've become a good photographer... ;)
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

    Studio & Lighting - Photography As Art Forum Moderator

    Running the Photo Asylum, Asylum Steve's blogged brain pipes...

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