I've been wondering lately if there is any point to using filters with digital SLR's. It seems that most fo the work done by filters can be done with PhotoShop or Macromedia Fireworks. Of course, a polarizer can reduce or eliminate reflections in windows as well as unwanted glare that can't be recovered in PS. But overall, what is the point of a warming or enhancing filter if PS can do the trick?
I'm hoping that someone can tell me that filters are simply betterI have to think that saving the time of adjusting colors up front is beneficial.
My other thought was regardinging black and white photography with digital. Are there techniques one should use to make a better conversion from color to B&W while actually compiosing the photo. Obvioulsy a red or a yellow filter will help tremendously when using a film SLR with B&W film, but how do the same filters impact a digital photo? I mean, does my D70 take images in B&W or are they all color? If so, when using a red filter, will the photo convert nicely to B&W.
So many question, so lazy to test it out myself!