Well, for those of you asking for hand updates here it is.
I've been allowed to fly (unpleasant Virgin experience) and survived a trip to Las Vegas to see @Plowey race.
I've not got good movement of the knuckles, so the hand is "the claw" which immediately makes me do the Toy Story aliens voice. My niece thinks her uncle Bat should be worshipped by little green aliens. I like her
I keep forgetting and sticking my hand in my pocket to keep it warm, then a while later the fingers tingle; I pull out my hand and the scar and is purple and the hand is a funny colour. Either I can put my hand in the air, pump the fingers a few times and the circulation circulates and all looks good, or I can extend my arms and shuffle forward muttering "brains, brains" then when I reach someone just say "you're OK" and carry on. Another niece pleaser.
I should point out that she's grown up with a little boy of her own, who will one day have to be taught the joy of pigeon-punting in city centres
The pain has been pretty much under control, with a PNS suppressant to damp down the nerve pain and post-op swelling. Or at least it's meant to, over the last few days I've noticed the pain returns before the next dose is due.
That's since our return from Las Vegas and succumbing to a cold picked by sharing a metal can with recycled air from sneezing fellow passengers, lovely! Of course for me it's been full blown man-flu
So the hand, well the ring finger seems stuffed. I can't straighten the final joint, and the finger is rotated slightly so using the fingertip when typing causes more pain. Sometimes I catch that fingertip because of the hook and it twists the finger more, causing pain.
The little finger won't straighten, with the final joint hyperextending and the middle joint crooked. The nail seems to be deformed too, with a hump at the base and uneven colour.
The swelling is frustratingly slow to go down, possibly linked to the poor circulation that's causing the purple colouring if I forget and leave my hand down for too long.
The scarring on the first finger hurts quite often, possibly linked to having my hands down while typing. The main scar around the graft hurts too, or more likely the swelling around the edges of that scar hurts as the nerve was 'divided' (that means left on the A4074 somewhere) and I don't feel pain in the graft area.
Strangely at the end of the long scar heading towards my elbow a few inches below my wrist, I'm becoming aware of an area where I can't feel anything and it feels swollen. I suspect it's the donor nerve site.
Good news is that I'm getting stronger within the movement limitations, and I can pick up things and use a fat handled knife (not gracefully) to eat out - so Angie doesn't have to cut my food (unless I get tired).
I managed to use the micro 4/3 cameras on this last trip, even getting some sharp pictures - though way less than I wanted to. Quick handling is out, as is changing settings on the fly, changing lenses is right out unless indoors on a table.
It's so frustrating, the slow recovery from less than 3 seconds of injury.
Plus not being able to drive to work, being a home prisoner.
Angie will tell you I am NOT a good patient.
No patience, you see.