First I want to say thank you so much to all the guys that repsonded to my deperate plea in the lighting forum...all your advice was absorbed and utilized...and I have a set of pictures that I could comforatbly show them without re touching...
I just got home and hour ago after 10 hours of shooting ( and realizing I need to charge more)
the first is my favorite--don't know why it just is...I sharpened it and added a slight glow...
the second is as is out of the camera (I will clone out that handle and adjust levels a bit)
the third is the flower girls and and the bride and I adjusted levels(that's it) but it is close to the look I was trying to achieve
and the last was adding diffuse glow heavily and touching out some freckles...I think this will be one of my most favorite pics of her....
I used up 2 gigs so I was proud of myself...
Thanks again to everyone for the last year of help from everyone on here ---so much so that I can finally say I am proud of my pics and feel secure about my still growing skill.