I am feeling a little reminiscent so I thought I'd post a couple of photographs I did back in 1990, when I was in college.
They were both done within a month of each other, for a class I took that was called something like" Experiemental Photography", basically the idea behind the class was to print BIG, and I am talking as small as 20"x24". The first one is from a concert I went to at an alternative music club that was in downtown Salt Lake, the band is Sound Garden.
I only printed it to 20"x24".
The second one, appears almost like it did back then, in that I had stuff from the two surrounding frames plus the sprocket holes and all. I printed this one as large as 3'x5", that is FEET. It was a fun class!
With that, I want to see a photograph that you made from "The 90's", even if it is as recent as 1999... ;)