My good friend is a diver instructor, he's the highest level of SCUBA certification. He wants to take me and my other camera friend and certify us up, and then take us around the world to do underwater photography. He's a total pro, runs SCUBA classes and certifications all year round.
So now, I want to know if anyone's got the low down on some good housings and maybe strobes for the 10D. I have seen the Light & Motion housings, and some nice Jonah housings, but not sure what I want. I also note that Jonah makes a housing for the 550ex.
Anyone ever done this? If I am gonna be SCUBAing, I most definitley want to take my camera and be a prolific underwater photographer. Where my friend is a expert, and he's also a VERY active outdoorsman and adventurer, I'd be dumb to pass this up (even though it scares me)...