Well, I have been on the fence for a long time. With a previous co-worker bringing in his Canon 1D and the quality being very good, seeing Photo-John do his magic, and now Sebastien breaking rank from Nikon, it was brewing.
I've made the decision to switch over to Canon on the 35mm digital front. I'm undecided about the fate of my very lovely F100 and set of lenses, but with my Mamiya 7 I don't shoot as much 35mm film as before.
With 8mp, super fast speed, and Canon quality at all ISO's. I couldn't wait anymore. I'm not sure how I'm going to finance it (sell something, or donate blood) but I wish it was released when I bought the Kodak Digital back. This is winning camera with speed, resolution, file size, and quality.
I just got an email from somebody who just sold his Nikon equipment and ordered the Canon MkII. I'm not alone.