Mike .. I nearly got a fall female nashville, fall male blackthroated green and a parula today.... that feeding flock was moving to fast to sneak into position though!
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Dude... IF I could get paid to watch and ID birds... I wouldn't have had to tell my manager off today and put HIM in HIS PLACE ;) I went to work and let the other guy run my crew while I WORKED BY MYSELF ;) I did more today by myself than 5 guys on my crew combined did ;) WHO'S THE MAN AT WORK TOO???????
I am very close to making them fire me if they keep expecting me to be SUPERMAN when I don't get superman's paycheck ;)
Have you ever heard this song?
"Superman's Song"
"Tarzan wasn't a ladies' man
He'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his arm
Like that, quick as a cat in the jungle
But Clark Kent, now there was a real gent
He would not be caught sittin' around in no
Junglescape, dumb as an ape doing nothing
Superman never made any money
For saving the world from Solomon Grundy
And sometimes I despair the world will never see
Another man like him
Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job
Even though he could have smashed through any bank
In the United States, he had the strength, but he would not
Folks said his family were all dead
Their planet crumbled but Superman, he forced himself
To carry on, forget Krypton, and keep going
Tarzan was king of the jungle and Lord over all the apes
But he could hardly string together four words: "I Tarzan, You Jane."
Sometimes when Supe was stopping crimes
I'll bet that he was tempted to just quit and turn his back
On man, join Tarzan in the forest
But he stayed in the city, and kept on changing clothes
In dirty old phonebooths till his work was through
And nothing to do but go on home"
I shot these at a US zoo, but I didn't think they were part of an exhibit -- just wild birds who wandered in as happens sometimes -- they certainly weren't caged in. But they do have leg bands, although I've seen that on wild birds. Anyway, I though these were mallards at the time, but they look too dark. Are they mallards? If not, what?
I always liked that Crash Test Dummies song, I'll have to dig out the CD I haven't heard it in a while. I posted the male of that last bird earlier in this thread so I thought I'd give the lady a shot. This one is back to Birding 101.