I'm a little troubled from reading some threads and posts from people who shoot with point-and-shoot cameras. It seems to me that these shooters are either 1) not taking themselves seriously, and/or 2) wishing to "start" shooting seriously only after they buy their new DSLR.
Photography is mostly about ones vision and technique. While equipment does play a factor in the execution of the capture, it does not always require the most expensive or the most up-to-date equipment.
I still use my old, first digital point-and-shoot camera. I bought it several years ago when it was being blown out at clearance prices. This was my introduction into digital photography for personal purposes. In fact, it is more accurate to call it my secondary camera instead of the one listed in my profile. Many of these images below are straight out of the camera with little to no post processing (other than to reduce the resolution here).
So go out and shoot seriously! Learn what you have and use it!
By the way, these were all shot on a 2MP Minolta shirt-pocket size camera with 3x optical zoom. No filters, no add-ons, no high capacity media cards.