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  1. #1
    Member awkwards's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Portland, OR

    First try at macro with D70 + Kenko extension tube(s)

    So that's what's been eating my Red Hot Pokers!

    While doing some yard work this morning, I noticed a wasp on one of my plants. I thought the slugs had been eating them, but here was this guy chowing away.

    In any case, I'm a new Nikon D70 owner using kit 18-70mm lens. I'm not ready to invest in a big-time macro lens yet, so I thought I'd try the Kenko Extension Tube Set, which I'd read about in various forums.

    This is my first real attempt at shooting macro. I'm not super-happy with the outcome, but it's a start. It was difficult shooting conditions... leaning over my raised flowerbed, shooting freehand, doing my best not to upset the critter lest I come away with welts. As you can see, focus was extremely difficult. The one I actually had in full focus I ended up way underexposing. By the time I wanted to try more apertures, the beast flew away, so I only got a few shots. He really was a good sport, letting me get my camera lens within an inch of him.

    I picked the best two out of five and have posted them here. Both shots are un-cropped and give you an idea of the effect of one ring vs. two.

    Shot 1 (horizontal orientation):
    1/125 sec, f/4.5, ISO 200. Used a single 12mm extension tube.

    Shot 2 (vertical orientation):
    1/125 sec, f/4.5, ISO 200. Used 12mm + 20mm extension tubes.

    I would like to have tried more settings. I still don't have the experience to know the best settings for the situation. Next time I'll have to try with something more stationary and with no stinger.

    Comments welcome.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First try at macro with D70 + Kenko extension tube(s)-wasp02.jpg   First try at macro with D70 + Kenko extension tube(s)-wasp01.jpg  
    James White
    Portland, Oregon, USA

  2. #2
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    James -

    I have been looking at these same extension tubes for some time now. How was your experience with them? To what extent is autofocusing diminished? I wonder if you could give a quick review?

    I think there's definitely a lot of potential here - getting good macro can take some time to get used to. It's a whole 'nother world down there...

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

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  3. #3
    Member awkwards's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Portland, OR
    I'm really still just learning about them. I could actually use a little advice from anyone else who's been using them--tips and techniques would be very helpful.

    My experience with them so far is that with the stock 18-70mm lens (an outstanding lens in its own right), I'm questioning the applicability of the rings. This means, unfortunately, that this might not have been a good investment for me if I cant figure out how to get it to work with this lens, because my whole point in getting the rings was to avoid buying another lens.

    What I've found with this lens is that with one or two rings, you have to get very, VERY close to your subject. Like an inch or less. Maybe this is to be expected, but what I was looking for was a happy medium between the 1-foot+ distance of the unmodified lens and actually running the risk of squashing the subject in an effort to get the thing in focus.

    Auto-focus is of limited usefulness in most macro situations. Kenko also says that the rings do not work with the AF-S G-type lens, but I did find that it worked in a couple of very limited instances.

    To get these pictures I had to go to full zoom (at the wider settings it was impossible to get any of the subject in focus), look through the viewfinder, and then move the camera back and forth closer and farther away from the subject to get it in focus. This was challenging.

    Depth of field is extremely limited at about 1/8 of an inch or less, as you can see from the second image. Granted, I had the aperture nearly wide open for these shots. On my next try, I'll try stopping down the aperture (higher f/number) to increase DOF, then perhaps do some exposure compensation if I'm having trouble getting the exposure I need. Alas, I didn't have a chance to try this the other day and moved on to other subjects.

    In short, I need to do some more experimentation. I'll post my results as I go.
    James White
    Portland, Oregon, USA

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