I'm sitting here trying to load a new computer game for my son (anybody who can help establish safe network connections for World of Warcraft, shoot me a PM) and talk with our contractor about finishing the now 2 month overdue addition when my daughter comes in and announces that my wife needed me. The above stove microwave was on fire. No problem, got it out with the ever present extinguisher. When I went to clean up, I broke the handle off the main faucet in the kitchen sink. This would all be a small coincidence, were it not for the car accident I had just over 24 hours ago when a young man decided that he wanted to cut across U.S. 1 in south dade county. Good for me I was in my Navigator, bad for his formerly beautiful 67 Mustang. I need a new front end, he needs a new car. Nobody hurt, we walked away fine, lucky for me the air bags didn't deploy. The truck is at the same body shop that got the job from the last accident less than one month ago when a young lady pulled into traffic, got nailed and spun into my truck while my son and I were waiting at a light to cross U.S. 1.
I haven't been able to find the bulls eye on me yet, but I'm still looking.