Just returned from an extended shoot in China, and wanted to share my photographic adventure with you all.
Today I posted my China pictures on the Internet....you will find 200 of them, broken up into four separate articles, covering the 26 day trip itself, posted along with my other digital trip narratives on worldisround.com. Here are individual links that will take you to each of those four articles:
China's North: Imperial Beijing and Xian: http://www.worldisround.com/articles/58823/index.html
China's Center, from Sichuan to the Sea: http://www.worldisround.com/articles/58821/index.html
Hong Kong: Building China's wealth: http://www.worldisround.com/articles/58820/index.html
China's West: Tibet, Roof of the World: http://www.worldisround.com/articles/58817/index.html
To view the photos, just click on the first thumbnail picture in each article and continue from there. You can make those pictures even larger, if you wish, by clicking on the "view full size image" link under the standard sized photo. I'd welcome any comments you might wish to leave, following each article.
For those wanting to learn more about how and why I make my pictures, I have also added 78 of those images to my "cyberbook" on expressive travel photography at: www.pbase.com/pnd1
28 of those China pictures make up two completely new galleries in my cyberbook, one on shooting buildings and structures (Gallery 14), the other on travel portraiture (Gallery 15). I have added 50 others to most of my existing galleries -- they are posted at the beginning of those galleries. At pbase, you are welcome to leave comments on individual photographs or on galleries as a whole. To view photos, just click on the thumbnail pictures.
Phil Douglis
The Douglis Visual Workshops