OK. I know that some of you are resistant to political threads, but in my mind, this is one of the most important elections the United States has seen in a generation. Throw in the fact that I live for this stuff and I couldn't resist.

Let me give you my background: I am a child of a staunch republican. My father ran for office (lost) and always stressed the importance of democracy in action. I'm a registered republican. I supported McCain in the primaries and voted for Bush in the general election. I also voted for Clinton, twice. I guess that makes me an independent

This year, I will not be voting for Bush. I rather have my member lopped off. No exageration. I'm not thrilled with Kerry, but George Bush has not EARNED a second term.

So, what do I ask those who support Bush? Why should I support Bush? Seriously, lay out why I should support Bush. I can go through some of the replies and counter replies.

Taxes. Bush is a conservative who cuts taxes.
Umm, yes, he cut taxes. At the same time, due to the lack of general funding, my property taxes have increased far more than my personal income taxes. Oh, and Bush is NOT a conservative. He, and his republican controlled congress, are spending us into oblivion! At some point, at some time, we're going to have to pay this debt off. How? Cut spending? Please, let me know what you would cut. Welfare? Given that entitlement programs account for less that .33% of the national budget, you've got a ways to go.

Moreover, take a look at our economy. Trickle down does not work. As evident by the recent report on projected job cuts, we're going nowhere and fast. Thankfully however, corporate profits are soaring

Terror and The War,
I'm an isolationist. It worked wonders when Reagan and others applied it to the Soviet Union. Not a shot fired and the enemy was defeated. I could go over the litany of bogus statements by Bush and Crew regarding Iraq and the weapons, but it would take far too many pages. Just this past weekend a report came out regarding the so called "tubes" and the knowledge that they were not for nuclear use. Yet this governement went on to say they were. These type of manipulative announcements are incredibly dangerous to a democracy.

People have told me that we are safer today then we were before we invaded Iraq. The cite that there has not been an attack on American soil since September 11th. Umm, well, when was the last foreign terrorist attack on American soil BEFORE Septerber 11, 2001? Anyone? Anyone? Seems to me that this is a bogus assessment given the previous pattern.

Moreover, who attacked us on September 11, 2001? And, where is the man who heads this organization? And why is he still alive? And why did we dedicate 10,000 of our armed forces to chase the enemy who attacked us, then send 250,000 troops to a region nowhere near where the man who attacked us is located? Let alone that the country never even threatened us, or could threaten the United States? Is it me, or are we in just as dangerous a situation as we were BEFORE September 11th?

Bush is looking out for families and God.
Well, being one who truly embraces liberatarian ideals, I prefer that Bush stay the hell out of deciding what is best for my family. A constitutional amendment banning gay marriage?!? Please, go through the amendements to the Constitution and find me one that REMOVES rights and priviledges of this countries citizens. Oh yeah, Prohibition. That one was repealed because people wised up to the fact that our Constitution was about supporting the basic rights, not restricting them.

Moreover, religion has no business in our government. It seems to me that there is a certain element in this country that would love to see religion become an integral part of our government. However, these are the same people that knock the Islamic based governments. Trust me, it matters not what the religion is, mixing government with religion is very dangerous.

The bottom line for me is that George Bush and his administration had an amazing opportunity to do things right given the republican dominated congress. However, they blew it at every turn. It's time for a change.

Some say that you do not change a horse mid-stream. Well, when that horse is an @ss, you better change it because you aint getting anywhere.

October 27th is the magic date for any spruprises BTW. Five days before the election.