You know, this site really could use a cafe area. You know, a place to discuss things OTHER than photography. While some may like to escape these extrenious area's that appear on other forums, the fact is that one can choose to ignore them. But, that is another matter all together. On to the fun stuff.
I am a huge baseball fan. If I had to choose between never seeing a baseball game again, or never picking up a camera again, I hate to say it, but the camera would go. The high's and lows of a season, the subtleties of each game, the second guessing of a manager -- it all brings so much joy. Well, I'm a Red Sox fan, so pain is a huge part of it!
So, here's the so called "Official Baseball Playoff Thread". I have some questions for those who are interested.
1) Which team is your favorite team?
2) Which team are you following in the playoffs?
3) Which team is your "nemesis"?
Mine is obvious. Red Sox, Red Sox and Yankees. I LOVE being part of this rivalry. It's invigoratingHowever, I am going to follow the Houston Astro's closely as well. I put $20 down on them in Vegas back at the beginning of the season and I stand to win $180 if they take it all!
As for the Sox, a nice game for them today. I was very concerned about the Angel's but damn, Shilling is simply amazing. throw in some major screw ups by the Angle's and you have a game one win! Tonight, I'm monitoring Yankee's/Twins. Go Twinkee's!