As you may or may not know, I have been placed in charge of the Photo Project forum as a moderator and "coordinator". So here I am going to lay out my plan for the monthly Photo Project.
First off I will be choosing the catagories from the suggestions that you guys make in the Photo Project Forum, and one of my own here and there. I will announce each new project one month in advance...i.e.... November's theme will be announced at the beginning of October. Please refrain from posting your photos for a given theme until the official thread for that month has been started.
I will make the announcement for the new project in both the photo project & view finder forums each month on the first, and I will post a thread in the photo project forum each month for each theme.
Each month I will choose my favorite image from each project and it will be placed in a new sticky thread at the top of the forum for the following month and will be known as the "Photo Of The Month". I want to make it perfectly clear that this is not a contest. There are no winners and there are no losers.
So lets get the ball rolling with October's theme: "The Night"
November's theme will be: "Public Restrooms"
The point of the projects are to share, inspire, shoot, and just plain have fun! So get out there and shoot and have fun!!!