I am posting the new pics from my new XZ-1 here because I always share with my friends on Viewfinder when I get something new!
First let me say that I have the Olympus E-PL2 as my main camera. I decided to sell my LX5 and get the new Olympus XZ-1 mainly because I can use the VF-2 on it. Since using a VF I have become addicted to it - and really don't like using the LCD screen anymore. So this is a big perk for me.
Yesterday some friends and I went to the Jersey Shore just to "celebrate" sun and warm weather - and finally a touch of "Spring." :thumbsup: Here are the first pics - straight out of the camera. Actually these were all done on auto - the main reason being because between the bright sun and reflections from the ocean, I could not see the LCD screen most of the time. I was surprised! At any rate, the composition isn't great because with some I actually had to guess! I haven't had a chance to try it in low light or indoors. I don't do RAW - so I'm hoping the jpg output will be good enough for an every-day-carry-with-me camera. I know there is a lot of noise at higher ISO - but hopefully it won't bother me too much when I change some of the settings.