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  1. #1
    Janie O'Canon Rebel Janie's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Need advice - may have to expand my photo biz QUICKLY!

    I just got a call from a major corporation who asked if I would be interested in being THEE photographer for the company, covering all of NJ and rockland county. I'm afraid I could be wayyyyyy too busy! It's strictly photos, only 6 per property for $75 each property plus transportation cost per mile - not sure what to charge for that either. They googled me! ;-) (Search engines do work!). I'm blown away and trying to think this whole thing through. I don't know if I should hire regional photographers and my mother (ms. Negative) thinks i'll surely end up hiring a pedophile. If I hire regional photographers, i need to figure out who to pay them so I don't get screwed. As you can see - confusion abounds!

    "Art is part of a rebellion against the realities of unfulfilled desire." ~Emma Goldman

  2. #2
    drg is offline
    la recherche de trolls drg's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice - may have to expand my photo biz QUICKLY!

    Congratulations on the job offer! Check with your accountant on what state law does with the standard federal mileage rate (some states accept it as is and some don't) and whether you'll be penalized (i.e. have to pay more state tax) if you charge more than the appropriate federal allowance.
    The other tax kicker with these is to make sure how you are billing! Be careful of being 1099 as then you may have tax liablilties that you are not making enough to cover. If it is strict work for hire or contract to illustrate, etc. then you are probably fine. Just have an attorney read the contracts, its worth a couple of billable hours with ANY new customer that isn't signing YOUR contracts.

    The game on this one is to be able to schedule your own shooting appointments. If you don't get to arrange how to route these things you can drive all over the countryside and not make a day of it.

    If the job guarantees so many shots a day/week/month to make it worthwhile is another consideration. If it is, we need 250 location shot this week, and nothing for 4 more weeks, then you may have to hire help (which cuts into the profit margin). Structure of these gigs is all important from the business side.

    I have shot a lot of construction and remodeling for documentation and promotion and those that are work for hire, can be "rejected". This I bring up because some work for hire projects means they get all the work, and decide what you are going to be paid for! You just need a little caution up front as to how contracts are worded. Otherwise they can get what they want and claim the job is not fully completed and render partial payment or ask for a reshoot. Reshoots will lose you money.

    One other quick note, understand the deliverable. This simply means produce samples of what you are going to provide before the deal is final! Don't get caught providing "illustration" or proof type photos when they want camera ready! Also if you are going to provide digital, get in writing that they will accept the output of what specific cameras, how (CD-R, DVD, or exTape, or Transmitted file) they want it presented.

    Good luck and if I can help, let me know (I don't work in New Jersey! Not personal, just beyond a days drive.)


  3. #3
    Janie O'Canon Rebel Janie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Need advice - may have to expand my photo biz QUICKLY!

    Luckily, all photos are to be digital for the website! They want to hire my company, to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by drg
    Congratulations on the job offer! Check with your accountant on what state law does with the standard federal mileage rate (some states accept it as is and some don't) and whether you'll be penalized (i.e. have to pay more state tax) if you charge more than the appropriate federal allowance.
    The other tax kicker with these is to make sure how you are billing! Be careful of being 1099 as then you may have tax liablilties that you are not making enough to cover. If it is strict work for hire or contract to illustrate, etc. then you are probably fine. Just have an attorney read the contracts, its worth a couple of billable hours with ANY new customer that isn't signing YOUR contracts.

    The game on this one is to be able to schedule your own shooting appointments. If you don't get to arrange how to route these things you can drive all over the countryside and not make a day of it.

    If the job guarantees so many shots a day/week/month to make it worthwhile is another consideration. If it is, we need 250 location shot this week, and nothing for 4 more weeks, then you may have to hire help (which cuts into the profit margin). Structure of these gigs is all important from the business side.

    I have shot a lot of construction and remodeling for documentation and promotion and those that are work for hire, can be "rejected". This I bring up because some work for hire projects means they get all the work, and decide what you are going to be paid for! You just need a little caution up front as to how contracts are worded. Otherwise they can get what they want and claim the job is not fully completed and render partial payment or ask for a reshoot. Reshoots will lose you money.

    One other quick note, understand the deliverable. This simply means produce samples of what you are going to provide before the deal is final! Don't get caught providing "illustration" or proof type photos when they want camera ready! Also if you are going to provide digital, get in writing that they will accept the output of what specific cameras, how (CD-R, DVD, or exTape, or Transmitted file) they want it presented.

    Good luck and if I can help, let me know (I don't work in New Jersey! Not personal, just beyond a days drive.)


    "Art is part of a rebellion against the realities of unfulfilled desire." ~Emma Goldman

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Re: Need advice - may have to expand my photo biz QUICKLY!


    Although not located in the US, if I can be of any help to you let me know, I have pleanty of free time. I also have hosting capabilities as well. Me, I am unemployed, and no income any more.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Warwick, RI USA

    Re: Need advice - may have to expand my photo biz QUICKLY!

    Congratulations Janie! I just took a look at your web site, and it's no wonder they decided to hire you. Your site speaks for itself with the photos and services you offer.

    Best of luck to you and your company!


  6. #6
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Newport, NC

    Congratulations Janie On The Job Offer

    Quote Originally Posted by Janie
    I just got a call from a major corporation who asked if I would be interested in being THEE photographer for the company, covering all of NJ and rockland county. I'm afraid I could be wayyyyyy too busy! It's strictly photos, only 6 per property for $75 each property plus transportation cost per mile - not sure what to charge for that either. They googled me! ;-) (Search engines do work!). I'm blown away and trying to think this whole thing through. I don't know if I should hire regional photographers and my mother (ms. Negative) thinks i'll surely end up hiring a pedophile. If I hire regional photographers, i need to figure out who to pay them so I don't get screwed. As you can see - confusion abounds!

    If this is something you are interested in, then get a lawyer to review the contract, and make sure you know what's expected of you, and that it's truly what you want.

    BTW, federal mileage is currently 40.5 cents per mile.

    Last of all, do not sell yourself short!!! Too many photographers do!

    Congrats again, and good luck!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

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