If two photographers count as a photogathering. ;-)
My old college buddy Rich came down Sunday afternoon and left Monday afternoon. We shot fireworks on Sunday night, and some local sights Monday. He wanted to start at the Beaufort Waterfront at sunup, so, we got up at 0-dark-hundred, and were on the waterfront at 6:00am.
Rich brought a 500mm lens with him. It's one of those Ritz Camera lenses, but it does alright. Here are some shots taken with it. First one is one of the wild horses on Carrot Island. This was taken across Taylors Creek, which is about 200 yards wide. Second shot is of Rich getting his 2X teleconverter for me. Yes, that's his Corvette. Third shot is the same horse, taken with the 500mm with the 2X teleconverter attached.
Taken with my K1000, and of course, my Bogen tripod.