1898-1980 ~ Thamesford, ON

Old Highway 2 in Ontario has many secrets, too bad you can't really drive it end to end anymore that would be an awesome roadtrip in my mind. But anyways, Thamesford.

My first glance at the Mill after parking the car right by the property and getting changed. It's really tough to get changed in the back of a Cavalier.

Some doors, sadly padlocked and nailed shut.

Sadly the only way into the place I could see was the windo at the far right of the building on the 'ground' floor, however the idea of inching along a 1/4 inch ledge with camera gear, and no one else around, didn't seem like a good idea

Mill Maddness!

The silos, not as impressive as the ones at the Canada Malting Co. Plant in Toronto. But I'm sure they would still give great views of the village, too bad there was no easy/safe way up. Even a ladder on the outside would've been nice.

Entry to Thamesford Mill - Status:Failed. Oh well, a nice break. Next stop...Woodstock!