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Thread: Lomo style

  1. #1
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Lomo style

    Just posting this for fun really. I've spent the last couple of days really trying to get to grips with Adobe Elements 3 (which I've downloaded as a 30 trial version from their site).

    Mainly this has involved trying to get my head around layer masks, which I'd never used before. I still find some stuff quite confusing, but I'm gradually learning. Anyway, whilst playing around with a shot which hadn't quite come out how I wanted it, I discovered how to add some heavy vignetting using a radial gradiant adjustment layer. Now this may be old hat to you pros, but it was new to me, and I got quite excited!

    Anyway, this was the end result of playing around - still not a great shot, and probably one that won't appeal to many of you, but it was much closer to what I saw in my mind, and I rather like the rather gritty Lomo/Holga feel it has.

    Now, back to Elements...


  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States


    Layers are where the real power of Photoshop lies. I use Photoshop adjustment layers and masks to optimize all of my images. Learning about adjustment layers was like having my eyes opened to a whole new universe.


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  3. #3
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    Re: Lomo style

    Hi Matt,

    I recently acquired Elements 3 also - along with a Canon 350XT. I'm still learning the XT so haven't really attacked PSE3. However, I have this excellent book that is written with a lot of clarity - step by step.

    The Photoshop Elements 3 Book by Scott Kelby. Excellent author - and book.


    Quote Originally Posted by mattp
    Just posting this for fun really. I've spent the last couple of days really trying to get to grips with Adobe Elements 3 (which I've downloaded as a 30 trial version from their site).

    Mainly this has involved trying to get my head around layer masks, which I'd never used before. I still find some stuff quite confusing, but I'm gradually learning. Anyway, whilst playing around with a shot which hadn't quite come out how I wanted it, I discovered how to add some heavy vignetting using a radial gradiant adjustment layer. Now this may be old hat to you pros, but it was new to me, and I got quite excited!

    Anyway, this was the end result of playing around - still not a great shot, and probably one that won't appeal to many of you, but it was much closer to what I saw in my mind, and I rather like the rather gritty Lomo/Holga feel it has.

    Now, back to Elements...


  4. #4
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Re: Layers!

    John - You're telling me!

    I've just spent this evening playing with a photo to try and learn how to have selectively focused areas. The shot below is the one I've been playing with, not a great one by any means, and it probably doesn't look too clear at small size, but I was trying to bring all the focus on to the two people with the matching strides, whilst still making it look fairly natural.

    There is so much to learn to use this tool properly. Obviously I want to be able to take shots that work straight out of the camera, but the possibilities that the 'digital darkroom' offers to really get the shot looking the way it is in your head are endless.

    Liz - I think I'm going to have to get a book!



  5. #5
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Layers!


    Looks good. Using any adobe program you can get some great results. Even besides just imaging, I've used it for musical purposes (Audition) and for video (Premiere Pro). Great lineup of products.

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