My wife's mother has been in hospital since Sunday and that's the third or fourth time this year. She went in for an injury from a fall but the doctors informed us that the injury to her arm was the least of her concerns and that it we should consider just letting her be comfortable for a few days until she passes, which she did at 2am today.
I've been running back and forth doing things for the wife and her sister and spending most of my other time their with them so have not had time to do anything but read posts when I get a few moments.
I wouldn't be concerned with explaining this but I have Rufus and have had no time to do anything with him and I may just have to send him off without doing what I planned with him.
Anyway, I'll be back when I can.
I also want to thank this bunch for making me feel like a member of a family over the last for the last two and a half years.