I was just asked to teach photography at a nearby middle school. The school is switching over to a charter school and they kids will be working on community based projects and photography is going to be part of those projects. The school has purchased 6 cameras for the 55 students. I'm still waiting to find out what model cameras the students will be using so I have a better idea of what they gear is capable of doing. From what it sounds like, the cameras are going to be more of the P&S variety so I'm guessing the students aren't going to have a lot of control. Knowing that I'm thinking that composition and vision is going to be more applicable than aperture and shutter speed. It sounds like I will only have 1 hour with the students so there isn't a lot of time to really get into much. Oh, and it's this Friday!

Does anyone have any suggestions as far as what to talk about?

I figured the rule of 3rds, leading lines, S curves would be good things to cover. Maybe some basics on aperture/shutter speed, freezing motion and motion blur.

I know there are tons of things that could be covered but with such a limited amount of time, and limited equipment but I want to make sure I give them information that they can use with the equipment they have access to.
