BUT, I was really tempted to!!!
Went west for four days, three nights. Stayed in Kernersville, attended a conference in Walkertown, and shopped in Winston-Salem. The Hanes Mall is a good size mall. And their Ritz Camera was well stocked with Nikon gear. :-)
On the film side they had a FM-3a, N55, N75, N80, F100 and F5. Yes, I handled the F5. No, I didn't drool on it. ;-) And that is still THE camera I want! It's big, heavy, handfilling, and has a solid feel to it - and I LIKE IT!
On the serious digital side, they had a Coolpix 8700, a D100 and a D70 with the kit lens. I handled the D70 as well. While the book says it weighs practically the same as my N80, it is a little thicker, and as such, feels lighter. (Simple physics - it's less dense) The kit lens is fast and quiet. And between my experience with the N80 and the Coolpix 5700, I knew what the majority of the buttons did. I even changed the size and quality of the images, and I've never even seen a D70 manual.
Best of all, the wife said I could get it if I wanted it! And I gave it really serious thought. Ritz Camera is offering 0% interest for 12 months. The wife and I have several credit cards that have more than ample room for it. But I decided not to go in debt for it. I'm gong to wait until I've got the cash. But it sure was tempting!
More mindless drivel for the masses. Add one more to my count. And for those on a budget, maybe you can appreciate the "sacrifice" I made in passing up the D70.