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  1. #1
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Wink I Didn't Buy A D70 This Week

    BUT, I was really tempted to!!!

    Went west for four days, three nights. Stayed in Kernersville, attended a conference in Walkertown, and shopped in Winston-Salem. The Hanes Mall is a good size mall. And their Ritz Camera was well stocked with Nikon gear. :-)

    On the film side they had a FM-3a, N55, N75, N80, F100 and F5. Yes, I handled the F5. No, I didn't drool on it. ;-) And that is still THE camera I want! It's big, heavy, handfilling, and has a solid feel to it - and I LIKE IT!

    On the serious digital side, they had a Coolpix 8700, a D100 and a D70 with the kit lens. I handled the D70 as well. While the book says it weighs practically the same as my N80, it is a little thicker, and as such, feels lighter. (Simple physics - it's less dense) The kit lens is fast and quiet. And between my experience with the N80 and the Coolpix 5700, I knew what the majority of the buttons did. I even changed the size and quality of the images, and I've never even seen a D70 manual.

    Best of all, the wife said I could get it if I wanted it! And I gave it really serious thought. Ritz Camera is offering 0% interest for 12 months. The wife and I have several credit cards that have more than ample room for it. But I decided not to go in debt for it. I'm gong to wait until I've got the cash. But it sure was tempting!

    More mindless drivel for the masses. Add one more to my count. And for those on a budget, maybe you can appreciate the "sacrifice" I made in passing up the D70.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  2. #2
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    I didn't buy one today, either. :-) I handled the D70 at a Ritz store here in Philly...felt nice, though not quite as solid as my D100. And the F5 ... I don't think there will ever be a camera quite like the F5 or F4s before it. I have the feeling that you will be posting a thread titled "I bought a D70" soon. :-)

  3. #3
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Interesting points!

    I have shot with the D1's and have handled the D2, as well as the F5 and F4. So if the D70 isn't like that I am not sure what I could do... I bet it is like the F100, which is my current camera.
    I never did like the F4, but the F3 what a camera!
    You are such a disciplined and budget minded Samurai Robert! But then again, a good Nikon Samurai would have as many Nikons in his or her arsenal as possible!
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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  4. #4
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking I didn't buy one today, either. :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    I didn't buy one today, either. :-) I handles the D70 at a Ritz store here in Philly...felt nice, though not quite as solid as my D100. And the F5 ... I don't think there will ever be a camera quite like the F5 or F4s before it. I have the feeling that you will be posting a thread titled "I bought a D70" soon. :-)
    More restraint going on in the land of avarice and debt! Glad to know I'm not the only one.

    The D100 is a larger, more hand-filling, and solid feeling camera than the D70. But everything I've read says the D70 is a more advanced, more capable camera, despite costing $500 less than the D100. But I've always said that ergonomics matter. How a camera feels in your hand will/does affect how effective you are with it. But then, you know that better than I do.

    The F5 has been my dream camera since I got my N80. WHEN I get one, I may decide after a couple of weeks that it's too big, heavy, and/or bulky to use as my everyday camera - but I doubt it! Like you said, "I don't think there will ever be a camera quite like the F5 or F4s before it." :-)

    I may very well post a thread one day saying I bought a D70. But like the F5, it will be when I've got the cash for it. While digital has many advantages, THE big one (to me) is the 1.5X magnification factor. Forget the tele-converter. Put my little ole 70-300mm on a D70, and now I've got a 105-450mm - without any image degredation. That's what I'm looking forward to. I see the D70 supplimenting, not replacing, my film cameras. I see the D70 being my primary wildlife camera, with my film camera's doing landscapes and portraits.

    I shoot 80 to 90 rolls of film a year. At that rate, it would take me a year of shooting exclusively digital to pay for the camera. Add the kit lens, memory card (Lexar 1 gig), and a digital capable flash (SB-800DX), and it'll take two years to pay for itself. (And I'm not even thinking of printers yet!) So I'm not looking for cost savings with digital. If I get a D70, it will be to improve my photographic reach.

    But it sure is fun looking and dreaming!

    Thanks for the comments Charles!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking Interesting points!

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    I have shot with the D1's and have handled the D2, as well as the F5 and F4. So if the D70 isn't like that I am not sure what I could do... I bet it is like the F100, which is my current camera.
    I never did like the F4, but the F3 what a camera!
    You are such a disciplined and budget minded Samurai Robert! But then again, a good Nikon Samurai would have as many Nikons in his or her arsenal as possible!

    Discipline is a hallmark of a good Samurai! (Watch "The Last Samurai")

    Budget minded - yes. Absolutely.

    Restraint - more than I realized I had! It's hard, very hard, to pass up something you want when you've been told you can have it!

    But the D70 is a want, not a need. I NEED film (for my N80). I WANT a D70. ;-)

    I am a spoiled man. My wife lets me get just about anything I want. Sometimes she goes out and buys it herself! My 28-70 f2.8 Sigma is a prime example of that. Yet I try to be content with what I have.

    BTW, did I mention I got five photography books on this trip? So it's not like I came away with nothing. I did mention that I am spoiled?!

    Don't worry my friend. I WILL add to my Nikon arsenal as my finances allow. F5, D70, SB-800, 80-200mm f2.8, etc, etc. You get the idea! ;-)
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Excellent My Samurai Friend!

    I am glad you have such an excellent wife. As do I!
    I recently bought a 35-70 f/2.8 D lens, not my first choice, but it is a good lens.
    You are an excellent Nikon samurai!
    Many good things,(read Nikons) will come your way!
    What books did you get anyway?
    Nikon Samurai #2
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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  7. #7
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking What books did you get anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    I am glad you have such an excellent wife. As do I!
    I recently bought a 35-70 f/2.8 D lens, not my first choice, but it is a good lens.
    You are an excellent Nikon samurai!
    Many good things,(read Nikons) will come your way!
    What books did you get anyway?
    Nikon Samurai #2

    "Mountain Light" by Galen Rowell :-)

    "The Complete Guide To Beauty And Glamour Photography" by Jon Gray

    "Photographing Wild Birds" by Chris Gomersall (Discount shelf - got it for $5.98)

    Got the above three books at Barnes and Noble.

    "How You Can Make $25,000 A Year With Your Camera" by Larry Cribb

    "Take Better Pictures" a Kodak Library For Creative Photography Book

    Got these two at a consignment shop on the way home. I paid less than $3.00 for each of them.

    My wife and my mother love to shop (mom went with us). Dawn came home with an entire new wardrobe. She bought only sale items (she is the queen of bargains), and she bought enough clothes to throw out everything in her closet. She actually did take a large number of clothes out - some of which needed replacing. I was proud of her. She hardly ever buys things for herself - but complains that I'd rather buy film than underwear for myself. (Film is cheaper!) My mother or I usually make her buy the things she needs. But she bought more clothes in four days than I've seen her buy in four years. Oh yeah, mom bought some clothes too!
    Last edited by Speed; 07-30-2004 at 05:11 AM.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Opinionated Newbie
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    The D70 is worth every cent I paid for it. I have no regrets at all.

    And what are you doing getting permission from your wife to buy something? You're the man in the house...

  9. #9
    Freestyle Photographer Hodgy's Avatar
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    Wayyyyyyyyy up North!
    Try the D1X, or better yet, the D2X this fall.

  10. #10
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Geez, I Had A Senoir Moment!

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    I am glad you have such an excellent wife. As do I!
    I recently bought a 35-70 f/2.8 D lens, not my first choice, but it is a good lens.
    You are an excellent Nikon samurai!
    Many good things,(read Nikons) will come your way!
    What books did you get anyway?
    Nikon Samurai #2

    Congratulations on your 35-70mm f2.8 my friend!!! I know you wanted the 28-70mm f2.8 AFS. Sorry you didn't get your first choice, but the 35-70 is a very nice lens as well. Did you get it new or used?

    Senoir moment number two: The Kodak book was: "Take Better Pictures" a Kodak Library For Creative Photography Book

    Real tough one to remember. DOH!
    Last edited by Speed; 07-30-2004 at 05:23 AM.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Paris, France

    I didn't buy one either

    I thought about it. I just spent 3 weeks travelling around France, did a wedding, a parade. Shot 50 films. Gave myself a backache from having so much gear to carry around (F75, F80, 2 zooms 2 primes, flash).

    For a while a D70 seemed interesting. Just one camera + 2 lenses because you can adjust the ISO on the fly. But the light in summer is so difficult and I get such good results with chromogenic black & white film in the F75 and Provia in the F80 - I don't think a digital camera is going to make it.

    OK so it's almost August and people coming back from holidays and wanting to be photographed in the studio. Usually I use the Hasselblad but the D70 could be useful in the studio - but it's too late. Not enough time to learn how to use it.

    Autumn and winter coming up but there I switch over to the Leica and the Hexar, small light cameras I put in a tiny bag for use in Paris. D70 just isn't right.

    That takes us to February and Photokina and perhaps the announcement of the D50 and the D90. Hum. No hurry about this..


  12. #12
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    The D70 is worth every cent I paid for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Patten
    The D70 is worth every cent I paid for it. I have no regrets at all.

    And what are you doing getting permission from your wife to buy something? You're the man in the house...

    I don't doubt that for a minute! Everything I've read about it is good. One reviewer in a popular photography magazine said something to the effect, that while Nikon wasn't calling it a replacement for the D100, it basically is. The D70 is more advanced than the D100 in many ways. It's got the same meter as the F5 for crying out loud. And I don't know if they've made advances in their CCD's, or their algorithims, or both, but the colors I've seen from the D70 are incredible. It is literally the first digital SLR I've even considered buying.

    "You're the man in the house..."

    Yes I am. And I'm a spoiled man at that. I could have taken that D70 home with me. In fact, my wife asked me at one point if I had one in the car. :-)
    If I had wanted it bad enough, I would have taken it home with me. But a smart man will not make such a purchase without telling his wife - unless he paid cash for it. ;-)

    Thanks for the comments Todd, AKA the Man of His House!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    B. Moose Peterson....

    Quote Originally Posted by Hodgy
    Try the D1X, or better yet, the D2X this fall.
    Swears by both of those cameras! He absolutely loves them. I highly respect the man. But he's got much deeper pockets than I do. And digital suits him and his style of photography. Call me old fashioned, but film still suits my style. Maybe one day I'll transition over to the dark side...

    Thanks for the comments Hodgy! What are you shooting these days?
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    I didn't buy one either

    Quote Originally Posted by Franglais
    I thought about it. I just spent 3 weeks travelling around France, did a wedding, a parade. Shot 50 films. Gave myself a backache from having so much gear to carry around (F75, F80, 2 zooms 2 primes, flash).

    For a while a D70 seemed interesting. Just one camera + 2 lenses because you can adjust the ISO on the fly. But the light in summer is so difficult and I get such good results with chromogenic black & white film in the F75 and Provia in the F80 - I don't think a digital camera is going to make it.

    OK so it's almost August and people coming back from holidays and wanting to be photographed in the studio. Usually I use the Hasselblad but the D70 could be useful in the studio - but it's too late. Not enough time to learn how to use it.

    Autumn and winter coming up but there I switch over to the Leica and the Hexar, small light cameras I put in a tiny bag for use in Paris. D70 just isn't right.

    That takes us to February and Photokina and perhaps the announcement of the D50 and the D90. Hum. No hurry about this..


    First of all, let me say, "WOW!" And I thought it was superfluous getting a third camera! You've got it covered buddy.

    Second wow: I thought I was the only one stubborn enough to pack three cameras, five lenses and two flashes into a camera bag and tote it around! (About 16 pounds) PS: I also like your camera choices.

    Third wow: I like your reasoning. Especially your conclusion. "perhaps the announcement of the D50 and the D90." Good things come to those that wait!

    Like you, I love my Provia (and Velvia and Sensia). When I go to the mountains, I load up on the slide film first. This year I may shoot some Reala as well. We'll see. But film is my primary medium. (The D70 is the first digital camera that I've seen that gives the colors and saturation to come close to slide film - one of the things that impressed me about it.)

    I want a D70. I see it as a compliment to, not a replacement for, my film cameras. Specifically, I see it as a great wildlife camera. Increase my focal lengths (a biggie!) without a decrease in light or image degredation. Change the ISO on the fly as it gets darker or lighter. Both definite pluses in shooting wildlife. And I'm sure I'll use it for other things as well. Who knows, it may convince me to go totally over to the "dark side". But I doubt it!

    Thanks for the comments and your insight on why you haven't gone digital yet! And be sure to post some of those photo's for us.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    You know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hodgy
    Try the D1X, or better yet, the D2X this fall.
    I have been thinking of the D1X, a used one. I bet they will go down soon.
    I have been looking on EBay.
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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  16. #16
    Forever Learning coloradoamigo's Avatar
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    You are not alone....

    Robert. I buy all my camera equipment with cash. Maybe in the future that will change, if I ever make any money off my photography, but for now I save up, then put the ol' check card down.

    Samurai #6
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    Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. - Ansel Adams

  17. #17
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking The Prices Are Dropping

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    I have been thinking of the D1X, a used one. I bet they will go down soon.
    I have been looking on EBay.

    Little by little. I've seen where new D1X's can be had for less than $3200. I'm sure the used ones are going to be popping up. Some folks have to have the latest, greatest gadgets out there, and are constantly updating their gear.

    Keep looking buddy! You'll get one eventually.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking I buy all my camera equipment with cash

    Quote Originally Posted by coloradoamigo
    Robert. I buy all my camera equipment with cash. Maybe in the future that will change, if I ever make any money off my photography, but for now I save up, then put the ol' check card down.

    That's the best policy. No debt, no interest charges, no late fees. :-)

    While it's always great getting new gear, it's much more satisfying (to me) to know that it's totally paid for.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who shows restraint! Looks like theirs more of us than I thought. :-)
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    An example

    I forgot to mention the F100 and the big Metz torch flash that I find essential for weddings and the like. Unfortunately it doesn't work with the D70. However the Fuji S3 sounds interesting.

    I'm still scanning my 50 films. I suppose if I was shooting RAW then I'd be pretty busy as well. Here's one picture that would be difficult to achieve on a D70 I think. It was taken last month in a village in southern France at 2pm, blazing sun, F75 with Kodak T400CN and a 24-85. When I scanned it I adjusted the values to avoid burning out the highlights and give luminous shadows which was how I perceived the scene.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails I Didn't Buy A D70 This Week-3623-r11.jpg  

  20. #20
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    A F100 Too!

    Quote Originally Posted by Franglais
    I forgot to mention the F100 and the big Metz torch flash that I find essential for weddings and the like. Unfortunately it doesn't work with the D70. However the Fuji S3 sounds interesting.

    I'm still scanning my 50 films. I suppose if I was shooting RAW then I'd be pretty busy as well. Here's one picture that would be difficult to achieve on a D70 I think. It was taken last month in a village in southern France at 2pm, blazing sun, F75 with Kodak T400CN and a 24-85. When I scanned it I adjusted the values to avoid burning out the highlights and give luminous shadows which was how I perceived the scene.

    OK, you are now officially on my hero list.

    Nice photo. I really like it. I also like the guy in the bottom right. He looks like he snuck outside so he wouldn't get caught smoking. It's great when a photo comes out how you perceived/envisioned it.

    Yeah, one has to wonder how long a serious shooter would spend "processing" his digital files. One more thing to do. And most digital shooters say they shoot more with digital. More time at the computer.

    I forgot about the S3 coming out. Haven't heard much about it, but it will be interesting to see what it has to offer.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

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