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  1. #1
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    I Can't Believe It Took Me Two Weeks...

    To shoot this roll of film! Geez, either I'm slowing down, or I've been too busy, or maybe (most likely) I've got a touch of what Seb had. The last wedding I shot took a bit out of me.

    At any rate, I tried something new on this roll. I've never taken a shot of the full moon before. The best times to shoot the moon are near first quarter and last quarter. You get the most shadows and the most detail that way. But looking at my moon shots, I realized I had never tried shooting the full moon. So I did. I bracketted more than usual for this one - five frames instead of three.

    The second shot is a grab shot. I got up one morning and let the dogs out. The moon and clouds looked rather picturesque, so I grabbed the N80 and shot a frame. Minutes later the clouds covered the moon (and the whole sky), and the moment was gone. Looking at the photo, I wish I had bracketted the shot to capture the moon better.

    Full moon shot taken with Celestron C-8, N80 at prime focus, Superia Xtra 400, 1/500th second. Cropped slightly to get it under 640 pixels.

    Clouds and moon shot taken with N80, Quantaray 70-300mm, Superia Xtra 400. Reduced to 640 pixels.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails I Can't Believe It Took Me Two Weeks...-full-moon-500th-second-04-apr-04-r640.jpg   I Can't Believe It Took Me Two Weeks...-moon-clouds-r640.jpg  
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  2. #2
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    You are the Master

    Your are the Master of the Moon, or at least of the moon shots here at PR. Very nice work once again. But two week to run a roll through the N80 come on Speed!

  3. #3
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    not bad...... but i can do that ONE FRAME ON E-6

    14 days for a roll..... my average spring day is....... 140 images hahaha

    but .. 3rd shift has kept me TOO TIRED to leave the house for the last 6 months


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking Thank You For The Kind Words

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Timer
    Your are the Master of the Moon, or at least of the moon shots here at PR. Very nice work once again. But two week to run a roll through the N80 come on Speed!

    I think I was suffering a little from burnout after my last wedding. That, and I've been incredibly busy lately.

    BUT, I'm going to Myrtle Beach on Sunday, so I think I'll get my wind back!


    Thanks for the comments.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking I Average Shooting Two Rolls A Week

    Quote Originally Posted by paulnj
    not bad...... but i can do that ONE FRAME ON E-6

    14 days for a roll..... my average spring day is....... 140 images hahaha

    but .. 3rd shift has kept me TOO TIRED to leave the house for the last 6 months

    Or somewhere thereabouts. But the weddings and airshows and camping trips push that number up a little. I may give the numbers a push next week. If not, I definitely will give them a boost the following weekend when I go to the mountains. :-)

    I could try to justify getting a D70 with "think how much we'll save on developing".

    Of course, I know my wife, and her counter will be "get a film scanner and scan your own slides/negatives. Think about how much that'll save you."

    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Dude...that cloud moon shot has got to be my favorite of all your pictures, ever. It is way too cool, I love that kind of stuff. Clouds just do it for me.

    As for saving money with a slide scanner...don't believe it. That was my reasoning for buying a slide scanner, and somehow my development costs skyrocketed, mostly due to my increased interest in shooting, and the added cost of shooting slides. So, her hypothetical argument would not hold much water. Plus, with a slide scanner you'd want a better printer, something you would also want with a DSLR.

    Seriously, if you have the money, get a D70. You will not believe how much the ability to shoot at will without concern over costs can help to improve your skill. Unless, of course, you have reached your photographic peak, which could be possible with your age and all...

    Keep it up man.

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  7. #7
    Mi tortuga es guapo. Kokopeli's Avatar
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    Hey now!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    Unless, of course, you have reached your photographic peak, which could be possible with your age and all....
    While you were shooting with Nikon gear, I would allow you to get away with that kind of talk, but now that you've switched over to Canon, I cannot and WILL NOT tolerate your insults to the Nikon Samurai #1! ;)

    He can't help that he's old and that he can't see nearly as well as he used to (which is why he needs to look at everything through a telescope!) so you better take it back or I'll just have to do something mean like put fingerprints on your viewfinder!

    Nikon Samurai #3
    Last edited by Kokopeli; 04-16-2004 at 12:57 PM. Reason: correct a spelling error
    Nikon Samurai #3

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true
    friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

  8. #8
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    Weddings can do that to you...suck the creative life right out of you. :-) Kidding, but I go through spurts with very little shooting, then suddenly go crazy. Nice shots.

  9. #9
    Liz is offline
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    Lightbulb Hey Speed!

    And I quote:
    I could try to justify getting a D70 with "think how much we'll save on developing".

    First I'd like to say these are great images. I love your moon images. The sky/moon/clouds image is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I'd also like to comment on digital purchases from my personal experience.
    I didn't "go digital" for quite a while mostly because I was afraid of what it would cost me.
    Finally I caved and bought a G2. I fell in love with digital so I ended up purchasing the Rebel 300D which I have to admit is the best investment I've ever made.

    With that history, let me get to the point. What I found was very surprising to me. Although the upfront cost was high for my budget, digital photography immediately began to save me a LOT of money. The biggest savings I've ever known in photography has been the ability to shoot as many images as I want over & over again without paying for the ones I delete. Plus the fact that you don't have to wait. The learning experience is amazing - I have found my skills have grown a lot, and my love of photography even increased. Each time I use the Rebel, it's like taking it out for the first time!

    I'm not trying to "convert" you Speed (or your lovely wife), but you have excellent photography skills, and it is obvious that you love what you're doing. I just wanted to share from personal experience how I have personally saved a LOT of money using the Rebel 300D, which continues to amaze me. I firmly believe that in the long run digital is much less expensive - at least it has been for me. I don't print my own images, so I save there. Initially I have them printed at Walmart which is 24 cents a print for a 4x6 and they do a decent job. When I want something enlarged or framed, I go somewhere else .

    Have a great weekend!

    PS - I still use the Rebel 2000 for Ilford Delta b&w film mostly.

    Last edited by Liz; 04-16-2004 at 04:02 PM. Reason: Add a PS

  10. #10
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Hey Speed -

    First off, I go through times like that too. Probably most of us do at one point or another - if you don't feel like shooting and don't have anybody telling you that you have to, then take a little break. You'll see something that motivates you, then go for it. I really like the moon shot with the clouds - very simple and well done.

    My take on digital is probably like what Liz said - high up front costs but then the gear is yours. Of course, if/when you get a D70 you'll probably want a couple 512mb cards and a spare battery or two - don't forget to add some money in for that.

    I'm pretty disappointed in what I picked up from the lab today - they gave me digital prints from my 35mm negs. Yeah, I love digital, but wet prints (darkroom prints) from film look better IMO than auto process digital prints. I get great results by scanning film, adjusting color/contrast etc in photoshop, then getting a print made on a mini lab. What they gave me today I wasn't impressed with. I used to be a big fan of Kodak T400CN until today because they printed it on B&W paper - not anymore...

  11. #11
    Janie O'Canon Rebel Janie's Avatar
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    Oh my God I LOVE LOVE LOVE the full moon shot! This is almost as good looking as Brad Pitts full moon! lol Awesome!

    "Art is part of a rebellion against the realities of unfulfilled desire." ~Emma Goldman

  12. #12
    Senior Member Charles Hess's Avatar
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    Brad Pitt's full moon? I'll bet you wished you could be the photog for that shot! :-))

  13. #13
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    obviously never seen my "full moon" .....


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  14. #14
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Unhappy " Unless, of course,"

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    Dude...that cloud moon shot has got to be my favorite of all your pictures, ever. It is way too cool, I love that kind of stuff. Clouds just do it for me.

    As for saving money with a slide scanner...don't believe it. That was my reasoning for buying a slide scanner, and somehow my development costs skyrocketed, mostly due to my increased interest in shooting, and the added cost of shooting slides. So, her hypothetical argument would not hold much water. Plus, with a slide scanner you'd want a better printer, something you would also want with a DSLR.

    Seriously, if you have the money, get a D70. You will not believe how much the ability to shoot at will without concern over costs can help to improve your skill. Unless, of course, you have reached your photographic peak, which could be possible with your age and all...

    Keep it up man.

    "you have reached your photographic peak, which could be possible with your age and all... "

    DANG! You cut me DEEP! I know I'm OLD, but dinosaurs did not roam the earth when I was young. Really. That's just a myth my children started! ;-)

    I trust that this old dog can still learn new tricks. I constantly try to improve my photography skills. Who knows, one day I may be as good as you! :-O

    While I don't have the cash for a D70, it is something I'm considering. I'm not ready to switch over to digital, but I'm willing to consider augmenting my film camera with a DSLR. :-)
    I use a Coolpix 3500 at work, and I have convinced them that I "need" a Coolpix 5700. I'm looking forward to getting that, and seeing how the digital workflow goes. I'm a believer in "never say never".

    It's nice knowing I'm not the only one who liked the cloud/moon shot. Like I said, it was a grab shot, but I really wish I had bracketted that one. It's also nice knowing that I still have the passion for wanting to capture what I see as interesting compositions.

    Thanks for the comments my friend! Having you, and Paul, and others on the this forum kick my butt when I need it has helped me get to where I am.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking Thank You My Fellow Nikon Samurai!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokopeli
    While you were shooting with Nikon gear, I would allow you to get away with that kind of talk, but now that you've switched over to Canon, I cannot and WILL NOT tolerate your insults to the Nikon Samurai #1! ;)

    He can't help that he's old and that he can't see nearly as well as he used to (which is why he needs to look at everything through a telescope!) so you better take it back or I'll just have to do something mean like put fingerprints on your viewfinder!

    Nikon Samurai #3

    We Nikon shooters have to stick together!

    "He can't help that he's old and that he can't see nearly as well as he used to (which is why he needs to look at everything through a telescope!)"

    Yeah, it's a drag getting old - but it beats the alternative!

    Hmmm, I guess I haven't posted that shot of me in my reading glasses, have I? Perhaps some things are better left to the imagination. :-O

    Thank you for your comments my friend! And thank you for taking up for me!
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Speed you've raised the bar my friend! I love your second shot, wow very artistic! You're coming right along artisically here mi amigo! If you ever make it to a gathering, I want a print of that one! ;)

    Walter Rick Long
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  17. #17
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    Quit spreading rumors... I have never KICKED YOU BUTT..... but will if you spread that any further

    now if somebody would just tear the ???? out of my images


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  18. #18
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Smile Thank You Liz

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz
    And I quote:
    I could try to justify getting a D70 with "think how much we'll save on developing".

    First I'd like to say these are great images. I love your moon images. The sky/moon/clouds image is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I'd also like to comment on digital purchases from my personal experience.
    I didn't "go digital" for quite a while mostly because I was afraid of what it would cost me.
    Finally I caved and bought a G2. I fell in love with digital so I ended up purchasing the Rebel 300D which I have to admit is the best investment I've ever made.

    With that history, let me get to the point. What I found was very surprising to me. Although the upfront cost was high for my budget, digital photography immediately began to save me a LOT of money. The biggest savings I've ever known in photography has been the ability to shoot as many images as I want over & over again without paying for the ones I delete. Plus the fact that you don't have to wait. The learning experience is amazing - I have found my skills have grown a lot, and my love of photography even increased. Each time I use the Rebel, it's like taking it out for the first time!

    I'm not trying to "convert" you Speed (or your lovely wife), but you have excellent photography skills, and it is obvious that you love what you're doing. I just wanted to share from personal experience how I have personally saved a LOT of money using the Rebel 300D, which continues to amaze me. I firmly believe that in the long run digital is much less expensive - at least it has been for me. I don't print my own images, so I save there. Initially I have them printed at Walmart which is 24 cents a print for a 4x6 and they do a decent job. When I want something enlarged or framed, I go somewhere else .

    Have a great weekend!

    PS - I still use the Rebel 2000 for Ilford Delta b&w film mostly.

    I appreciate your comments. I know for most folks on this forum, digital would be very advantageous in that they could use the instant feedback to improve their photography. That, to me, is the biggest advantage to digital. The cost savings, and hence the ability to shoot more, are definitely a consideration as well.

    The down side is the up front costs. DSLR's start at $1000. Then you've GOT to have more memory. More $$$$. Of course, I'd need a new computer ($$$$$) as our laptop is five years old. It's a Pentium II, 333 MHz. I'd also have to have a photo quality printer ($$$$), with archival inks, of course. All adds up to big bucks. Which is part of why I see a DSLR augmenting - not replacing - my film cameras. And having said all that, I am considering that D70. Who knows what the future may bring. Next year this time I may be shooting digital as much or more than film.

    In the meantime, I'm still shooting film, and I'm still trying to come up with images that wow this crowd - which is a tough order. You guys are NOT easy to impress. Guess that means I've got to dig deep and really put forth some extra effort. :-)
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Cool Thanks For The Comments Another View

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Hey Speed -

    First off, I go through times like that too. Probably most of us do at one point or another - if you don't feel like shooting and don't have anybody telling you that you have to, then take a little break. You'll see something that motivates you, then go for it. I really like the moon shot with the clouds - very simple and well done.

    My take on digital is probably like what Liz said - high up front costs but then the gear is yours. Of course, if/when you get a D70 you'll probably want a couple 512mb cards and a spare battery or two - don't forget to add some money in for that.

    I'm pretty disappointed in what I picked up from the lab today - they gave me digital prints from my 35mm negs. Yeah, I love digital, but wet prints (darkroom prints) from film look better IMO than auto process digital prints. I get great results by scanning film, adjusting color/contrast etc in photoshop, then getting a print made on a mini lab. What they gave me today I wasn't impressed with. I used to be a big fan of Kodak T400CN until today because they printed it on B&W paper - not anymore...
    You are right, we all go through those phases. At least I'm coming out of mine now!

    While my major hesitation to getting a DSLR is the up front costs, I'm also hesitant to go full bore into it because I haven't been thrilled with the digital prints. I've used some consumer grade photo printers, and while the prints are nice, they aren't the same as prints from a negative or slide. Maybe I need to see what a pro quality printer can do with archival inks. Maybe I just need to adjust to what digital looks like.

    I've heard it repeatedly, that digital is different. Not necessarily better, or worse, just different. And the landscape shooters just can't seem to get the same results with digital that they get with Velvia. I know you can do a lot with post processing, but personally, I'm not a Photoshop guru, and never will be. And I'd rather not spend half the night trying to get a print to look just how I want it. Maybe I am a dinosaur, but I like photography because I like to take photographs - not spending time on my computer. :-O

    Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate them. BTW, have you gone totally digital, or do you still shoot film as well?
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Smile Thank You Charles

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Hess
    Weddings can do that to you...suck the creative life right out of you. :-) Kidding, but I go through spurts with very little shooting, then suddenly go crazy. Nice shots.

    I know you've gone through this before as well. This is the first time I've really experienced it, and thankfully, it was short lived. I'm pysched up about going to Myrtle Beach next week, then I'm going to the mountains again. I'm really looking forward to getting out there with my camera and seeing what I can come up with. Hopefully, I'll come back with something worthwhile to share with everyone.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Talking Wow, Thanks Janie

    Quote Originally Posted by Janie
    Oh my God I LOVE LOVE LOVE the full moon shot! This is almost as good looking as Brad Pitts full moon! lol Awesome!

    I'm glad to see someone so excited over one of my photo's! I've got a bunch (over 100) photo's of the moon that I've taken through my Celeston. This was my first time shooting the full moon, and I am pleased that it came out as well as it did. Now if I can just get some cresent moon shots that are worthwhile, I'll be doing something.

    You've seen my photo, and you know I can't compete with Brad Pitt. :-O
    I wasn't aware that there were shots of his "full moon", but then, that has absolutely NO appeal to me. :-P
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed
    BTW, have you gone totally digital, or do you still shoot film as well?
    I've actually gotten more interested in black & white - but that's about the only film I shoot anymore. Seems kind of weird - the internet (digital technology) has got me interested in b&w film processing (analog technology). I tried my first Tri-X in D-76 developer the other day. That film came out in 1954 and the developer has been around since the '20's.

    I'm not a photoshop guru either, but one tip builds on the next. I usually spend a minute or two (usually very literally) on an image when it comes out of the camera. I've been very impressed with the prints I get from a Fuji Frontier when I do this. If you want (and have a high speed web connection!) I'll e-mail you an image from the DSLR with minimal photoshop that you can print to 8x10 at a minilab and see what I'm talking about. Any Wal-Mart should have a Fuji Frontier. Or I'll mail you a print (8x10's only cost me about $2). Send me a private message if you're interested. No, I don't work for Nikon!!

  23. #23
    Junior Member ichiu's Avatar
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    nice shot

    Hey Speed,

    I have to agree with Sebastian. That moon + clouds shot is great. I think the exposure is just right. Any bright the clouds would have been blown out and any darker the sky would have been too dark. Great "grab".

    On the subject of the D70, I checked on out yesterday and I have to say that it's handling is great, better than the digi-rebel. Very responsive and the "zero" time start up is great. Couldn't check out the picture quality, but from the samples i've seen on the web, so far they look great too. The ergonomics and control layout was a little wierd, but i'm used to shooting canon so, i'm sure that since you shoot nikon it wouldn't take long to get used to.
    Anyways... nice shooting, look forward to more astrophotographs from you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Speed
    "you have reached your photographic peak, which could be possible with your age and all... "

    DANG! You cut me DEEP! I know I'm OLD, but dinosaurs did not roam the earth when I was young. Really. That's just a myth my children started! ;-)

    I trust that this old dog can still learn new tricks. I constantly try to improve my photography skills. Who knows, one day I may be as good as you! :-O

    While I don't have the cash for a D70, it is something I'm considering. I'm not ready to switch over to digital, but I'm willing to consider augmenting my film camera with a DSLR. :-)
    I use a Coolpix 3500 at work, and I have convinced them that I "need" a Coolpix 5700. I'm looking forward to getting that, and seeing how the digital workflow goes. I'm a believer in "never say never".

    It's nice knowing I'm not the only one who liked the cloud/moon shot. Like I said, it was a grab shot, but I really wish I had bracketted that one. It's also nice knowing that I still have the passion for wanting to capture what I see as interesting compositions.

    Thanks for the comments my friend! Having you, and Paul, and others on the this forum kick my butt when I need it has helped me get to where I am.

  24. #24
    Carpe Diem I_Fly's Avatar
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    Two very nice shots Speed. The second one is awesome, great job for a "grab shot".


    Quote Originally Posted by Speed
    To shoot this roll of film! Geez, either I'm slowing down, or I've been too busy, or maybe (most likely) I've got a touch of what Seb had. The last wedding I shot took a bit out of me.

    At any rate, I tried something new on this roll. I've never taken a shot of the full moon before. The best times to shoot the moon are near first quarter and last quarter. You get the most shadows and the most detail that way. But looking at my moon shots, I realized I had never tried shooting the full moon. So I did. I bracketted more than usual for this one - five frames instead of three.

    The second shot is a grab shot. I got up one morning and let the dogs out. The moon and clouds looked rather picturesque, so I grabbed the N80 and shot a frame. Minutes later the clouds covered the moon (and the whole sky), and the moment was gone. Looking at the photo, I wish I had bracketted the shot to capture the moon better.

    Full moon shot taken with Celestron C-8, N80 at prime focus, Superia Xtra 400, 1/500th second. Cropped slightly to get it under 640 pixels.

    Clouds and moon shot taken with N80, Quantaray 70-300mm, Superia Xtra 400. Reduced to 640 pixels.
    When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. -Leonardo da Vinci

  25. #25
    Carpe Diem I_Fly's Avatar
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    Western Illinois

    I would encourage you to consider the D70...

    I think I averaged about 3-5 rolls a month last year, maybe less. Since getting the 1D, I've shot over 3000 images. Granted most of them are junk, but I can still use them for education purposes. I can experiment, try different things and it doesn't cost anything but my time. I can also get almost instant feedback. It makes a huge difference.

    My wife is even talking about getting a 10D to replace the Canon A2 (my old film body). She went out to the bomb range with me last week and complained about having to replace film so often! The lab that developed the film also did a horrible job. TONS of dust specks, the images burned on the cd were edited to their taste, and some of the film was actually damaged. My wife wasn't impressed!

    Unfortunately you will need a relatively fast computer for editing images, but I went with an eMachine, it works just fine for me. As for printing, I do some at home, but most of the time, I edit the image save it to a CF card and take it to Wal-Mart and have them print it on their Frontier system "with no adjustments". I've had good luck so far.

    Whatever you do, we enjoy your shots! As someone mentioned above, you are the "Moon Master"! I'm still wondering if he meant Luna Master or some other kind of moon... ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Speed
    Or somewhere thereabouts. But the weddings and airshows and camping trips push that number up a little. I may give the numbers a push next week. If not, I definitely will give them a boost the following weekend when I go to the mountains. :-)

    I could try to justify getting a D70 with "think how much we'll save on developing".

    Of course, I know my wife, and her counter will be "get a film scanner and scan your own slides/negatives. Think about how much that'll save you."

    When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. -Leonardo da Vinci

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