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  1. #26
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004

    ok Hodgy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hodgy
    The instant package is the bundle. You can't afford the bundle but you can afford the package that is shipped? I think you missread. The instant bundle is the $129 for the actions, the 172 page manual on photoshop techniques, posing guide............

    the action bundle is $45. Both of these are instant downloads.
    I got em.. just as you said. Thank you very much. I'd thought I'd let you know though for your knowledge, that it is a bit confusing on that page. (Actions page) What got me to thinking the $45 package was a shipped package is the link in the black banner that advertizes that package. The link says: CLICK HERE FOR A TUTORIAL ON LOADING ACTIONS. When you do, theres a tutorial that explains putting it in your CD Rom. That lead me to beleive it was a shipped item.

    Now when you read down to the next package, it says very clearlyThe Digital Success Express Pack INSTANT DOWNLOAD and then - This deal is for those who want it and WANT IT NOW!
    The Digital Success Express Pak is only $129.00
    hey, no shipping, 'cuz you get it in your email. So that makes it very clear that that package is downloadable. So because all the "Get it now" talk starts with the second package, and is not included in the first one, deductions are that the first is not and the second is.

    I'm sure If I had gone to any other page on your site, then it would have been obvious. Quite often a quick Googling will send you to an inner page on the site, so you can't assume that customers have read the previous pages. No biggie, just wanted to let you know.
    Maybe just put a short explanation next to the first "Buy it Now" button. I'm just trying to tell you because I studied usability and am a web designer , that when you are so familiar with your names and lingo, its hard to see that someone else may be confused. And when customers are paying, they want to know exactly what will happen! Just don't want you to lose any business because I think those actions are a terrific buy. It's a far better deal than others that sell actions on the web. I already loaded them and can't wait to try them. .
    Thanks for sticking with me till I got them.
    BTW Nice Website.
    ~ Kit
    Last edited by shesells; 08-19-2004 at 01:36 PM.

  2. #27
    Freestyle Photographer Hodgy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Wayyyyyyyyy up North!
    Thanks KIT, we are just completing our new webpage ,so it will be fixed. TBO, this was the first.

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