At our last photo club meeting we did our monthly contest which happened to be architecture, and we had our judging for the PSA contest. Well I won the photo of the month and had top score in the PSA contest.
My winning photo of the month put me in the lead in points (we have a point system that we run for a year then have a voting on the 12 photos for the year and have a photo of the year). My PSA entry goes on to regional voting. We had 20 people show at the meeting (our club is restructured and basically starting over - growing every month) The total score possible was 200 - I scored 168.
Sorry just needed to toot my horn some - nice to see how my skills have grown over the past year - alot of help from everyone here and it is greatly appreciated :thumbsup:
Here is my photo of the month entry - taken in Chicago at Millennium park
Here is my PSA contest entry - we had about 50 photos and only 7 could be entered - taken at Pewitt's Nest in the Wisconsin Dells area.