I will always go to shoot with my left eye but end up with my right since it's the clearest vision of the two... and I have always rotated CCW. the only time I rotate CW is during self portrait sessions and that's only because I have to be able to push the "button"
Since this has become a TMI sort of post I'll share the strangness as well...I'm right handed but have a tendency to wake up and watch movies and look at most situtaion with my right eye closed and my left eye open (Larry makes fun of me sometimes) it's a habit that I'm unaware of ---till someone points it out...I am right eared hearing.... and
Once upon a time when I was thinner and not left knee ACLery(translates to detached The Anterior Cruciate Ligament which needs reconstruction) challenged and played soccer I too was right chested ---aaaahhh the good ole days.....
good post Sean!