Originally Posted by Lava Lamp
Annoying the S&*! out of you guys trying to get better, and then just showing my stuff to anyone that would look, especially small local business owners. Of course, for legal reasons, some stuff I will never post (sold ALL rights, because I didn't know better). Also, I have some stock work available on totallyphotos.com, and now and then receive personal requests from clients there. Thanks for the compliment on that photo, it is the only thing I have really liked so far. I mean I am happy with a good bit of my stuff, being so new and all, but that one is one I REALLY like, and think it would look great in the right setting.
The stock thing isn't a passion, just to help out with expenses, and equiptment. I am still trying to find my niche, and a big part is trying everything and posting in critique. Although, I am trying now to just post things I want tips on instead of posting things I am sure of, as it is a busy place, and I shoot tons! Probably about 100 a week, both film and digital.
Here is my stock folio, for anyone interested. I am waiting approval on some images still, and don't add much, so it is small. I prefer to do business in person anyway...
Stock folio