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View Poll Results: How well do you know your camera

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  • I know just enough to get a picture. Basically I'm a point and shoot person.

    1 4.35%
  • I can operate between about 25% to 50 and have learned a few functions

    3 13.04%
  • 50% to 75% of the functions and I'm starting to get very familiar with my camera

    10 43.48%
  • 75% to 100% I am actually taking full advantage of my equipment.

    9 39.13%
Results 1 to 19 of 19
  1. #1
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Over the years I have noticed with my friends, in conversations with people I meet and in reading posts here on the forums that a high percentage of camera users never really take the time to actually learn the different functions of their camera allowing them to get the most out of the equipment they have spent a serious amount of money on. I would be interested in finding out what you think your level of knowledge is with the equipment you own.
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  2. #2
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I make it a point to learn all the features of a camera, how to get at them, ect but do I use them all? no, I use the ones that gets the best photos for the way I use it. (If that makes sense).
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
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  3. #3
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Axle
    I make it a point to learn all the features of a camera, how to get at them, ect but do I use them all? no, I use the ones that gets the best photos for the way I use it. (If that makes sense).
    The problem I have observed is that most of the people never learn enough about their camera to really know which option is best for their needs. It amazes me that after spending a bunch of money to get a fancy camera they do not take the time to learn and benefit from it,

    Axle, I agree with you about learning what your camera can do and then use the functions that best fit my needs. My point is that most people don't really ever take the time to see what the options are, Jeff
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  4. #4
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I've had my D700 for nearly two years and must admit that I still don't use it to the max. Last weekend I even bought the Magic Lantern guide to help me get the most out of it.
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  5. #5
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    I make it a point to learn all the features of a camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Axle
    I make it a point to learn all the features of a camera, how to get at them, ect but do I use them all? no, I use the ones that gets the best photos for the way I use it. (If that makes sense).
    You nailed it Axle! I read my camera manual from cover to cover (OK, the english part of it). I've also bought guides on how to wring the most from my camera. But most cameras today, and virtually all the DSLR's, have more features than we need or use. We find what works and go with it.

    I shoot a variety of subjects, so I shoot in various modes. I use aperture priority for most of my shooting, manual mode for astrophotography, and shutter priority for outdoor flash. The only mode I don't really don't use is program.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I said 50-75% and I am guilty (with more than just cameras - especially software) of just finding a way to do something and never looking at all the functions to see if there is a better way. - TF
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  7. #7
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    The only feature I'm not really that familiar with is the manual white balance, and maybe some other really in depth tweak. Otherwise, I do what a lot of you do and read that manual, (or Ken Rockwell's) in this case too. I'm guilty of not using the full auto modes, but I don't think that's a bad thing.
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  8. #8
    I can't member!?!? dmm96452's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I recently bought a Canon T2i and will, when time allows, learn to shoot video. I am also going to try to get myself out of the p&s mindset and start to take more control of things like aperture, shutter speed, white balance, etc.. Many of these things I know how to use but I just don't do it. All of the high tech makes it too easy to be lazy.
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  9. #9
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grandpaw
    My point is that most people don't really ever take the time to see what the options are
    It is so true!

    Quote Originally Posted by Speed
    I read my camera manual from cover to cover (OK, the english part of it).
    I actually used DPReview's hands on preview of the D300 before I got the camera, so I was able to pull it from the box and then off I went.
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
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  10. #10
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Interesting question. I had to think about it for a bit.

    I voted 25%~50%.

    I'm on my 6th dSLR at the moment. The control dial on every one has been either at manual (over 90% of the time) or aperture priority. Never used auto bracketing, rarely use white balance settings other than AWB or sunlight, and the custom functions - set once and forgotten.

    Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Yet I think I still do. I push them pretty hard. I shoot about 40,000~50,000 actuations before I sell them. I shoot in rain, snow, 95° days, -15° mornings. My current dSLR has almost 80,000 actuations now.

    So I say "yes" to your question. But not in the way you ask I think.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I don't feel like I know my digital camera from top to bottom. I would say I am in the 50-75% range on this question. However, I do go out of my way to read articles and see videos about my camera. I read the manuals. The only reason I say 50-75% is because after all that, I still am not confident in my pictures. I feel like I can always learn more. There are so many functions on a DSLR. Even with my film camera I do not feel like I get to use it to it's full potential because there is so much you can do with them.
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  12. #12
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Why would I even WANT to use all the functions on my camera. All the point and shoot modes on an SLR camera are functionally useless, because they won't save Raw format.

    Even white balance is kind of a non-necessity since I always adjust that in p-shop anyway.

    I think there tends to be a lot of wasted functionality in cameras, but there are often stupid limitations that are irritating and unnecessary.

  13. #13
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Non of us use all the functions on any camera because there are functions made for the newer user and many for the advanced users. Maybe I should have worded the question like this. Are you aware of what your camera is capable of doing and take advantage of what pertains to your style of shooting? Jeff
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  14. #14
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Ah, in that case, I am not sure. I try to use all the stuff I think I need, but there is certainly a lot I don't use. I do read the whole manual, but I am sure there are things I don't get the point of and hence do not use. On the t2i, I have never tried to use the dust elimination stuff, where you take a picture of a white sheet, and the camera can automatically edit out dust spots. I am sure there are other things.

  15. #15
    drg is offline
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Knowing the camera(s) I'm using is very important so I answered with the 75-100% option.

    There are 'features' on most cameras I know I'm not going to use, but I test them anyway as there's an occasional surprise. Scene modes are the 'worst' waste of space generally for me on a DSLR.

    Features and options that are I believe not being utilized properly or effectively by many photographers include the latest and greatest in Focus/Auto Focus variants. Be it tracking, iNtelligent, Auto-DOF, Face Detection, etc there are increasing number of tools built in to cameras for optimizing how the camera both does and does not focus!

    Flash control from certain manufacturers has come to a point that it will generally make far better decisions on how to expose the image most of the time under rapidly changing conditions than even the most experienced professional photographer. A lot more keepers than ever before!

    The other part of this topic that is controversial still for many photographers I believe is that they still want to think about making photos like they always have and are not realizing that among other things that exposure is a brave new world and very different in a modern digital camera than it was even with a digital camera of 5-10 years ago. Dynamic Range has expanded, wide variation in ISO equiv. can produce significantly better images than ever before, Noise Reduction eliminates many exposure considerations, and there's a great deal of latitude in what can be accomplished 'after' the shot be it in-camera or in external post processing.

    Yeah, I push my cameras both photographically and in volume of use. I know how many shots are left before I have to let the flash cool off without counting! Sigh, too many weddings a week this summer.
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  16. #16
    Member erikzen's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I voted 50-75%. My reasoning is that when I first got my camera, I went through the manual page by page, function by function. I learned how each function was accessed and how to use it.

    Once I started using the camera on a regular basis, I rarely went back to the manual. There are a number of functions I just don't use and as such, these functions are not committed to memory. I consider knowing the camera to be the ability to use a function, on the fly, without having to refer to a manual or fumble too much with the settings.

  17. #17
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    I get everything I can out of all of my Holgas and then some...
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  18. #18
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grandpaw
    ...Maybe I should have worded the question like this. Are you aware of what your camera is capable of doing and take advantage of what pertains to your style of shooting? Jeff
    In that case, yes 100% on both counts. I too have read the manual cover to cover (in fact the manual is sitting on my desk here at work) but find only a small percentage of functions useful to me. But this is normal since the manufacturers have to put a full array of features that are most often requested by the target consumers. I don't think they expect most users to use most of these features though.
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  19. #19
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Do you get the most out of your camera?

    Thanks for all who participated in my poll. I'm amazed that less than twenty replied with well over 200 that read it. I guess it is rather strenuous making a decision and then clicking on a button. I thought it would be interesting to discuss this.Thanks again to all, Jeff
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    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
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