April 15th 1998, in a hospital downtown Columbus, my mother passed away. After years of battling diabetes, heart disease and kidney problems she passed away. My father followed her a few years later in 2003. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my mom and dad. Both where too young to die, mom was 57 and dad 56. Due to my irresponsibility, my mother did get to see her grandchildren and man she loved them babies so.
I was only 24 when she passed away, I myself wasn't ready to let go of her yet. You see mom was my buddy, my friend. I spent a whole year angry, my poor wife had to put up with a lot. I took a while before I figured out that with her gone, I didn't have anyone to talk to. Not just talk to but someone to confide in and help when life got me down.
In someways I never got to know my father until she was gone. I spent many days helping him deal with the loss of my mother. Those two were inseparable, they were like the sun and moon. Dad was never happy without her. He tried dating but found it almost impossible.
Both of my parents were straight with god, both saved and lived great lives. It is hard to believe that it has been ten years. I use to love to hear them talk about their lives and how they managed to meet each other. Their stories are gone now, buried in a small cometary side by side they will be together for eternity.