Hi Gerry,Originally Posted by Gerry Widen
I'm not saying the war is justified on the basis of numbers. Any war is bad, no matter the reason for going to war, simply because we know people are going to die and that just isn't a good thing. But I think sometimes we just have to look at the bigger picture, Gerry, and hope that some good can come out of such evil. Lots of people died in WWII, but because of that war Germany and Japan are now peaceful countries as opposed to brutal regimes. Lots of people died during the American Revolution, but out of that war came a great nation independent of an oppressive England. Lots of people died in the civil war, but the result of that war was an end to slavery. Were the achievements of these wars worth the loss of life? I'll let you decide that for yourself.
I'll make this my ending statments, since some here don't care too much for two guys going at it with different viewsI don't like the fact of the U.S. being at war any more than you, but the fact is we are there. And since we are there I think it is imperative that we pray for our troops to be successful and accomplish their mission as quickly as is possible, and support them and our commander-in-chief in every way, and not make their job more difficult by perpetuating division in this country. That doesn't do them any good, and it certainly doesn't do our nation any good either. At least that is my opinion.
Perhaps the reason I'm not as concerned about all this is because the Lord gives me peace no matter what is going on in the world. He's taught me that this world will always be in chaos until he returns to establish his own government of peace. So I'll definitely keep you in my prayers as well, Gerry, that the Lord would give you peace about it too.
God bless,