I was asked to do some photography for the health club that my family belongs to in exchange for club dues.
The signature part of the club is the garden atrium, and my first project was to capture several views.
The shots was very hard because there was so much glass around the top, sides, and door level that it was impossible to not have any hot spots. When there is a cloudy/foggy day I plan to go back so I can get the perfectly even lighting.
What I did was exposed for the bright spots, and then exposed a frame to accurately expose the shady spot. 2 seconds @ f/16 and 1/30 @ f/16 for the bright spot. I used a L-558 spot meter to pin point my exposure. I then layered and masked the two shots together.
This is my first of ten assignments for the club so I am excited to have future tear sheets and commercial print examples for my portfolio.