My wife and I had made a day trip to Nashville yesterday mainly to do a little shopping and eat lunch. My wife is a big history buff and while we were in Franklin, TN she spotted a sign for The Carter House so we had to stop and visit. The house is an old plantation house where the Battle of Franklin took place in 1864 and about 10,000 soldiers died in the battle. We paid for the guided tour but we both had forgotten our cameras :mad2: . I recently got a new cell phone, a HTC Eris Droid so that is what I used to document our visit. I was very surprised at how well the photo's turned out, here's a couple from our visit.
Carter was not one of the elite plantation owners, he made a modest living in his business ventures. He owned a shoe shop on the town square, he owned a cotton gin as well as what he made off what crops he grew on his 280 acres of land. In the 1862 census, his total net worth was approx. $62,000 which is todays money would be about 1 million. So, for the time period he was considered upper middle class.
The back of the main house
A couple of cannons guarding the hill
One of the out buildings behind the main house.