I shot my first roll of film on the Canonet under what I thought would be some of the more difficult lighting situtions (mid-day). I wanted to see how accurate my meter was and just how it would fare in such conditions. The pictures are just "snapshots," didn't try to get creative at all. Shot with Kodak Gold 200 (couldn't find 100) and printed at Wal-Greens on glossy Fujicolor Crystal Archive, no density added, as I wanted to see how they would come out at a 1-hour photolab (again, trying not to make the greatest scenario for prints).
Most of the prints had good exposure and color saturation. A few were overexposed by me, but it appears the Canonet hasn't any light leaks and is accurate in color reproduction. I didn't do any post processing to these except for a bit of sharpening and lightnening on a couple photos to match the prints. Scanned on an Epson 3170 from the prints themselves (couldn't find my negative attachment for the scanner!!)
#1 Some bushes & flowers from next door.
#2 My dogs Peter & Spike
#3 A flower from down the street.
#4 A door in Palm Springs.
So, what's your verdict? Think the little Canonet held its own?
Next roll of film will be in b/w and I will try to get a bit creative.