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  1. #1
    Co-Moderator, Photography as Art forum megan's Avatar
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    Planet Megan - Astoria, NY

    Back to where it all started

    This past Saturday, in the middle of whatever heinous fever-inducing illness my ever-sick co-workers inflicted upon my poor body, I went back to high school.

    My high school drama club was having a fundraiser, and alumni [including a Broadway success story, a former student a year younger than me that was in Jeckyl and Hyde] as well as current members put on a [very long] revue of showtunes from past productions. And what's even cooler is right around the corner from the lobby to the auditorium is the classroom where I took my first photography class. I couldn't go IN it, of course, but it was SO cool, after 18 years, to re-enter my HS and at least look at the door to that room where, on the first day of class, we read a quote of Siskind's, and my eyes were opened to the venerable history. I noticed that the darkroom still seems to be there. And that made me happy! In spite of the fact that my Tylenol cold medicine wore off in the middle of the show and I sat there will chills through the second half!

    Just thought I would share. Darn, I should have taken a picture!


  2. #2
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Great story!

    Great story Megan. My photographic experience began a lot like yours, and I find myself living right across the street from where it all began from me..
    The cirlce of life, what a funny path...
    I am a little ill too!
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  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Back to where it all started

    Great story, Megan. Glad you feel better...

  4. #4
    Mig is offline
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    I ran off on Thursday with a dance troupe from Spain

    Re: Back to where it all started

    I wanted to go to that, but my cousin had her baby shower on Saturday. I was in Proscenium my senior year, and my director is still there. I think the last time I was there was '94 for a show.

    Glad you had a good (yet fever-miserable) time!

    There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.

  5. #5
    Co-Moderator, Photography as Art forum megan's Avatar
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    Planet Megan - Astoria, NY

    Question for you Danielle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mig
    I wanted to go to that, but my cousin had her baby shower on Saturday. I was in Proscenium my senior year, and my director is still there.
    Wow! What year did you graduate again? The show was really great (though a bit... LONG!)
    They dedicated the evening to John Lowney, who was also a year younger than me. He was a friend, and died way too young. It was real nice what they did in his honor.

    Maybe you can answer me a question! The auditorium is now called Roger Hanson Hall. I had Mr. Hanson for symphonic band - did they name it after him upon his retirement, I hope? Please don't tell me he's died? (Good thing they didn't name it after McNaughton, who I had for concert band, and fortunately was not a - ahem - victim.)


  6. #6
    Mig is offline
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    Jan 2004
    I ran off on Thursday with a dance troupe from Spain

    Re: Question for you Danielle!

    I graduated in '93. So he's been there 11 years since that was his first year - his daughter was a sophomore - I didn't think he'd stay on after she graduated.

    I remember Mr Hanson although I never had him since I didn't take band, but I'm not sure what the dedication situation is - I checked the obituary archives on the Journal's site and they had nothing, so I would think retirement is a safe assumption.
    There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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