I was thinking of going to art school to open up my head some more, creatively speaking, but I've never taken a photo class in my life and would like to keep it that way ;) I learned through photo books (have a library of over 100; read 'em all) but sometimes I think I've read every one on the market.
Anyone got some titles they want to share? Advanced stuff on working with models, thinking creatively, shooting unique commercial shots that stand out, etc. I found a couple of titles on Amazon, on outdoor lighting for fashion photography, and a glamour workshop retold in book format, but would like something more (also got a couple of monographs, SofaSexy by Rankin and Blonde, various shooters; over $70 total, lol).
Anything else? They don't even have to be on photography, could be on another graphic art but relative to shooting in some way. TIA