Here is the thread for all the pictures for our 24 Hours of Photographyreview project. If you have any questions or comments on the project, please post them in the discussion thread Here. I'd like to reserve this thread for photos only!
There will be 4 replies I will make to this starter thread. These 4 replies will be chronological so we can group some of the pictures in the order they occured during the day. For instance, anything shot from midnight through, and including, sunrise tomorrow will go in the "Early" thread. Anything from sunrise to Lunch will go in the "Morning" thread. Any pictures from lunch until sunset goes in "Afternoon." And any sunset pictures through to midnight tomorrow night go in "Night." If you'd rather not post in these threads, please just hit "reply" to this thread and post away!
I encourage everyone to be creative tomorrow while you're shooting. Trying to capture the essence of your job, your family, your life, your area, your country, will add to the breadth of the project I believe. But don't let that keep you from posting. If you sit in front of the computer all day, let's see it!
I encourage everyone to let your photography do the talking, but if you feel you need to add commentary, feel free. Also, please be considerate with your number of posts!
Remember, no shooting until midnight tonight, and all work must be shot before midnight Thursday. That's your time, so I'm starting this thread early for anyone across the pond who might want to participate. Have fun, and shoot often
Edit: There has been some confusion about why I posted all the posts in the same thread. This was to keep all the photos together so we wouldn't have 5 different threads. When people open this thread, all the "earlies" will come first, then the mornings, then the afternoons. So people won't have to jump threads, and the day will appear to presume in an orderly mannnerSorry for the confusion!
Also, I like manacsa's idea of posting date and time! Cool! :thumbsup: We could also post the location of the shots! (figuring this out as we go along, sorry)