Not to well. I said I wanted to learn to use the advance features of my equipment. I find I am still locked into doing what is comfortable. So maybe this year?
Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??
Nikon Samurai #13
"A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.
Fail - a lot of close calls, but those tweety birds are tough. - TF
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
1. Don't buy any more cameras and lenses. Wait till 2011
2. Do more fashion pics. This is difficult. It's easy to find models for nudes because the models we have love to do it and it's clear from the outset what the rules are. Approach a "civilian" girl to do fashion and she's wary because she thinks you really want to do nudes...
Nikon D800, D7200, Sony RX100m3
Not buying any more gear this year. I hope
My resolution for the coming year is to really learn and understand lighting.
While I can't claim to have mastered it, I've come a giant leap forward in my quest. Spent a TON of time in the studio this year as well as classes and working as a professional assistant for various S. FL and NYC fashion/advertising photographers as time allowed around my "day job". Feeling pretty good about following through on the resolution. :thumbsup:
Read shoot post read shoot post read shoot post...
eh, could have been better, but could have been worse. Overall, I'm happy enough with how much I learned in 2009. My goal for 2010 is the same: read shoot post.
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.
1. I would like to loose some weight. My goal is 200 lbs. - FAIL Actually went the wrong way...
2. I want to purchase the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS lens - FAIL Not sure this is on the top of the list anymore, but with the new version coming out, this could be the year.
3. I want to make contact with and make a sale to a magazine, or other publishing company - FAIL - Didn't even try.
4. I want to participate in the Driftless Area Art Festival Again this year - WIN Had a great time once again this year. Sales were down a bit from last year, but still worth it.
5. I want to show my work in a gallery this year - WIN I was part of a group show in a gallery, 2 coffee shops and had a solo show at my church.
6. I want to say NO when people ask me to take indoor portraits - WIN, now if I could only get my wife to stop volunteering me.
7. I want to get caught up on my reading - Still working on this one. I have gotten a few books and magazines out of the way, but somehow I seemed to have gained a few new ones along the way.
"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
Aldo Leopold