On May 15th DSL712, his wife Julie and I shot a wedding in the city. We started at 10am and finished around 11:30pm. The bride and groom were awesome. I came back with over 800 shots, but I tried to pick my favorites to post here. Some could really benefit from cropping, but I chose not to do anything beyond simple color adjustment on these.
Dennis, post some of your when you get the chance.
It all starts with hair.
Bride went first, now she waits.
She doesn't seem too confident in her hair dresser's abilities.
Then the makeup...
Bridesmaids getting ready at gramma's house.
Gramma and grandpaw.
I couldn't hear what he was saying, but they laughed a lot. I hope he wasn't telling dirty jokes...
Kidding around with the bus drivers...in her fuzzy slippers.
First dance on the pier before we boarded the boat.
Toasting the bride and groom.
The happy couple nearing the end of their special day...