Ok, here's a quick little rant from me. After selling my casio ex-s500 because I was fed up with its fragility, I am back in the market for a point and shoot. But I want a camera with manual controls. Oh but I also want a small camera. Seems that they dont like to do this. Most of the cameras I have seen so far with manual controls are powershots, with AA batteries (which make the body quite a bit larger). I'm not sure whether I want to use AAs or Li yet, so I may go with an a540. But jeez Nikon, where in the heck are your manual controls? I'm looking at the s6, thinking hey nikons produce good images, then looking at the minimum shutter speed.. oh but wait, it doesnt have that listed because there is no aperture/shutter priority or manual controls. What's the deal with stripping manual features on high end/mid range point and shoots? Ugh its annoying. Ok I'm done.
update: the sd600 looks enticing too, mainly because of the metal construction. and manual controls! 15 sec shutter speeds!
update 2: nevermind, it's not REAL manual mode. the rant holds true.