Hello there!
Thank the Lord, I found this forum!!
I'm a junior marketing manager for a small giftware company in Victora, Australia, i started at the company maybe 6 months ago, upon starting I noticed the photos that we were using for our catalogues weren't the best, they were done in house and didn't look professional AT ALL! not even close...
ANYWAY, i was hoping that someone / everyone could give me some assistance!
Firstly, after PLEADING with the managing director, he said i could go out and buy a roll of white paper and some lights, so below *should* be a picture of our current setup...
.... does anyone have any suggestions after seeing this image? I have some white acrilyc board which i bought and use to diffuse the light aswell.
Secondly, the "IT guy" at my workplace keeps telling me that we need some solid black acrilyc sheeting for taking shots of Glass and Stainless Steel cookware. I've seen the photos he's getting the idea for this from, and i don't like them. Does anyone have any suggestions for taking photos of glass and stainless steel saucepans with my current setup? I can maybe squeeze another $150 out of my boss so any small things i could probably get...
Thridly, i thought to further demonstate my abilites (which are far from professional!) and what i'm getting with the setup, i have attached a couple more photos...
hope i did the links right...
the materials of the products i need to take photos are the following:
Glass Vases and Wine GLasses ( coloured and clear),
Stainless Steel Cookware,
Bone China,
woodware (bamboo)
any assistance with the above would be REALLY appreciated!
Anyway.. any input would be SO VERY APPRECIATED!
I'm really happy in this job and i would really like to impress my boss so that he listens to what i have to say more. I would be extremly grateful if anyone can help me....
i don't think this will be the last post from me.... i'm going to need alot of help, and i hope that you all will be able to help me. Conversely, i hope that with the help that is given to me i can *someday* help another newbie on this forum!
Thanks HEEEEAPS and in advance!