So I've had it for a little while now, finally got around to trying to shoot with it. While I am not very interested in flashing, I figure I should at least know how to do it. I am, of course, refering to photography
So here it is. After looking at it a bit, I've decided that it isn't going to replace available light, but it will suppliment it. For example, in my living room this morning, I was getting 1/15th at 5.6. With a little bit of flash, bounced of the ceiling, I was getting around 1/60th at 5.6.
What I'd like to be able to do, is get a little bit faster shutter speed, but still keep the natural look. Would I need to set the shutter speed to what I'd like, and then the flash will compensate? Or is there some other trick that I should know. So far it's trial and error, because the manual is useless.
also, I kinda like the trails from her head. she was really whipping around. she thinks she's funny