My Olympus D-450 Zoom flash quit working. When I open the lens cover the viewfinder yellow light blinks for almost a full minuet then stops. When I lift the flash cover the green light flashes continually and the left side of the body where the flash capacitor is located begins to warm. The green flash charging light does not extinguish even with new fresh batteries.
The camera will still take non-flash photographs.
I recently bought another D-450 Zoom off ebay that did not work so I could swap the camera shell with my broken one. There were three soldier connections on the circuit board from the flash that needed switching during the camera shell replacement, and yes, I did the switch and the flash did work for several shootings after the body shell replacement.
I still have the old camera shell with the flash assembly inside and the guts of the camera bought on ebay.
Questions; Should I just try to swap out the flash capacitor from the two cameras AND the flash tube assembly as well?
Do I need to ground or short out the capacitor from both units prior to disassembly/reassembly?
How do I do that, just across the leads?
Thanks for any assistance!