Ever since I was a kid I have always been keen on photo booths. For instance last Halloween I went as a portable booth where other party goers could come inside my little booth and have their photo taken.
Anyhow I would like to build my own photo booth and have it in my apartment and also make it so that it could be brough to friends events (weddings, parties etc). I plan on building it in two section (split down the middle) so I can move it in two parts through doorways etc. Use a couple of hinges to hold it together.
Inside I would have two areas. A large area where I would put a chair and then a small enclosed area where I would have my digital camera, computer and monitor, lighting etc.
The idea would be that people could enter the booth, push a button that would trigger a remote cord connected to my camera on a delayed timer. Then they get back into place and the photo is taken, then using software the photo would be downloaded to my camera and then displayed on a monitor inside the booth.
My question for the lighting community is what is the best way to go about lighting such a small little area? I thought maybe cutting a hole in the wall and then put a softbox just above the camera then aiming it pretty straightforward at the chair? Think it would be that simple? Any other suggestions about the lighting or the whole plan for that matter?
Doing some research on the web I found a guy on the west coast who already has something like this and does it as a business. I am including a photo of his booth as this is what I'm really trying to achieve.
Well my thoughts are jumbled as usual, looking forward to putting hammer to nail and giving this thing a shot.