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  1. #1
    Junior Member bob118's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Feeding Hills, Ma

    Ski Jumping @ VT.

    I took these photos during the Fred Harris Memorial in Brattleboro VT today, I had just purchased a new lens this week and was dying to try it out. I shot thes with a Canon Digital 300D with a 70-200 F2.8 IS EF L lens. If you have any comments please leave them. I'm always up for some comments. Enjoy...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ski Jumping @ VT.-blurr-shot.jpg   Ski Jumping @ VT.-front-shot.jpg   Ski Jumping @ VT.-sun-background.jpg   Ski Jumping @ VT.-looking-down.jpg  

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Ski Jumping @ VT.

    Which IS mode was the lens in?
    I made the mistake of panning with the lens in IS mode 1 instead of mode 2.
    I got better images with mode 2.
    Yeah I know, I should have remembered to swap modes form static shots to panning.

    Did you use the lens hood?
    I've already got a few white paint streaks on the hood from the railings at the track.
    But rather that on a replacable hood than bang up the lens.
    I know the white L series are built for pro use, and I've seen some old sorry specimens that still take fantastic photos. But for me a lens isn't a consumable.

    Do you have any filters on to protect the front element?
    I discoveres my 10-22 EFS has a scratch on the filter, it's the one lens I have that came without a hood and it's the one that is damaged.
    The downside is a marked tendency to poor contrast shooting in to the light, particularly intot he sun, witha yellowish cast.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member bob118's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Feeding Hills, Ma

    Re: Ski Jumping @ VT.

    Hey Wombat,

    I took the shot in Mode 2 IS, I had read my owner's manual before taking off to the slopes. As far as a Lens hood yes there was one on the camera, I took that shot on purpose to get the streak of the sun that was shining thru the trees in a small area. I thought it added a unique look to the photo.(my opinion) Hey if I didn't experiment than I wouldn't have any fun now would I. And as to your third question yes I am also using a filter on this lens, I wouldn't think of not using one with the cost of this lens, it's cheaper to replace the 35 bucks than the thousand + to buy the lens. Hey thanks for your comments and concerns, that's the reason for me spending time on this site.

  4. #4
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Ski Jumping @ VT.

    $35? I ought to get my sister-in law to ship a few over from TX.
    Mine cost $75 (£50) for Hoya multicoated filters.
    But as you say, still cheaper than a new lens

    It looks from these that either you have the same soft focus problems I have, or you didn't apply a Sharpen filter (I use unsharp mask) occasionally while reducing the images.

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