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Photo by Tumber

by Tumber
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  1. #1
    Member ThoughtfulPirate's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Greenville, SC

    2 shots from saturday.

    I took this on this double that we made a few hours before this was taken. Its not a very interesting angle, but for some reason I really like the way it turned out. This was the only really good one I got, my friend wanted to try his hand at getting shots of me jumpin, so he shot most of the time. Tell me what you think of this shot, we built these a 3 mile ride from home, so I will be back tomorrow if my friends bike is fixed, so I can adjust some settings and retake it.

    f5.6, 1/320, ISO 100
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2 shots from saturday.-t-spot-djs-061-s.jpg  

  2. #2
    Member ThoughtfulPirate's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Greenville, SC
    This one was taken right after the jump, in a nice berm thats bigger now. Dont have the picture on the camera anymore, so dont know the settings. I wish I had framed it so he wasnt leaving the frame, but I seem to do this with close up turn pictures all the time. I am going to reshoot the berm again with different angles and some panning shots.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2 shots from saturday.-t-spot-djs-074-s.jpg  

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    What's nice about this

    What's nice about this is that you can see how he's finessing the bike in the air. It adds tension and makes me feel the jump. I also like how the area behind the rider is dark while he's light. That makes him pop out of the photo.

    I don't remember what camera you're using. But one thing that would have made this one really, really good would be a longer lens and a really shallow depth-of-field. That would have made the background softer and made him really pop out of the image. And maybe a tighter crop. Right now there's a bit too much detail in the background competing with your main subject. A less obvious reason a lot of bike photographers use long, fast lenses is the ability to drop out the background with a shallow depth-of-field. I do it all the time.

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  4. #4
    Member ThoughtfulPirate's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Greenville, SC
    I love that about your photos John, I try to get the depth effect, but I never can, I wish I could have gotten it here. How would I go about doing it? I took a short photo class (that came free with the purchase of my camera) and I know it said the more open your apeture is, the shallower the DOF, but even shooting wide open I cant get blurred backgrounds unless I am shooting very close to the subject (see my barbed wire shot I posted). I dont have a digital SLR, and dont have the cash to buy longer, faster lenses for the film one, so should I just shoot from further away and zoom more with my fz10? I really want to figure it out. Thanks for the compliments, what you said about the finesse and feel is exactly what I like about the shot, Brad, the rider has a cool style.

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