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  1. #1
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    If you could change one thing...

    Todd's recent thread about how things have gotten a little quiet here lately has a lot of good replies. I started thinking about it, and thought that maybe some good suggestions for additions or changes to the site could come from this.

    So let us know: If you could change one thing here, what would it be? Something new, something different, what's on your mind?

    I'll make Photo John aware of this thread, and hopefully there is a way that we can implement some of these changes.

  2. #2
    Liz is offline
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    Excellent question - Great idea!

    I just wanted to say that this is an excellent idea and I look forward to seeing what everyone has to share.

    Personally, I have to give this more thought before I express any views, give suggestions, whatever. There is always room for improvement.

    Thanks for posting this thread.


    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Todd's recent thread about how things have gotten a little quiet here lately has a lot of good replies. I started thinking about it, and thought that maybe some good suggestions for additions or changes to the site could come from this.

    So let us know: If you could change one thing here, what would it be? Something new, something different, what's on your mind?

    I'll make Photo John aware of this thread, and hopefully there is a way that we can implement some of these changes.

  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Excellent question - Great idea!

    Faster loading times on IE or more consitent loading times. It can be a real pain at times, and I know you can't cater to all groups, but it's quite annoying.

  4. #4
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    I think it's easy to confuse the goals of "the site" with a persons individual goals of "the forums".

    I've been annoyed lately with people trying to steer the direction of "the site" in one direction or another based on what I think they want from the discussions in the forums.

    There are so many uses of this site ( and some of us have been on these forums so long that we start to develop our own ideas about what the site is all about, when that may not be what the site is actually all about.

    I think PJ is always trying to keep a good balance so there's not much I could suggest as an improvement. This is just an area that perturbs me a bit.

    Take this post for whatever it's worth

  5. #5
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Interesting thoughts, Trevor. One example (I'm sure not what you were describing) was when a few posts showed up about wedding photography. Suddenly, it seemed like a lot of people were trying it. Obviously there's more to it than just "trying it" and it's encouraging to see that - if I can make that connection.

    On another site, there's a discussion about a particular problem with a particular camera. On yet another site, this problem came up and then all of the sudden it was a big panic. No mention anywhere else though. Then a mention on still another site followed by another panic. I guess my point is that sometimes people take things way too seriously. I'm glad to tell people what works and what doesn't for me, but more important is that they try it for themselves and see what's best for them. Don't take anybody's word for it other than your own. And (probably closer to Trevor's thoughts) you don't have to take anybody else's opinion as your own.

    On-Line forums grow and change with the individual members, and I think this is a pretty good group. OK, end rant.

  6. #6
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    On-Line forums grow and change with the individual members
    The quote above is pretty much the point I was trying to communicate!

  7. #7
    don't label me 2kids2shoot's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    I love this site and I've seen numerous other comments to that effect. Besides echoing jar_e's comment of slow loading (sometimes I can't even get on) I love the different forums and the people here rock. Not to mention PJ's fantastic job as site moderator. A slowdown of traffic once the weather gets nice and people can get out and shoot without getting the cameras wet doesn't seem all too surprising to me. Maybe someone can do my work for me so I can get some pics....

  8. #8
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    and I think this is a pretty good group. OK, end rant.
    I am in total agreeance with that!
    We have a lot of great people here.
    I know what I like to do photographically and am staying the course.
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    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  9. #9
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Technically Jared and Susan, there isn't a lot we can do about the load times. If the other Consumer Review sites are overloaded, *ahem, for instance Mountain Biking, there is no way to remedy the slowdown. I wish I had a better response for that, but we have to deal with it.

    I guess I'm not very clear with your post Trevor. ....People trying to steer the direction of the site. Is this in most forums, or one in particular? Honestly, I would like to know a little more what bothers you. It is important to us.

    Do most people feel that Viewfinder should be the open forum to all types of photos and conversations? Should critique contain succinct answers or more detailed? Should people who post photos for critique give more information as to the process of their photo taking? What is your opinion?

    (All are welcomed and encouraged to respond to these questions and comments.)

    Keep the comments and suggestions coming. This is your site, and it's up to you to mold it in the fashion that you want it to be.

    Once the majority make things clear, then the moderators should be able to guide the direction in each of their forums accordingly.

  10. #10
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...


    I understand the slow loading times, I've read the numerous complaints in the Site Feedback area I'm guessing there on the same server than?

  11. #11
    shake it like a polaroid picture berrywise's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Okay so it is not so much as something to change but I would love to see another run of the photographyreview t-shirts. It is one of my favorite tees (great design, good feel to it) but it is about dead. If it were possible to have anyone interested pay up front via Paypal and when enough people had ordered a run could be made I think that would be awesome.

  12. #12
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lara
    Do most people feel that Viewfinder should be the open forum to all types of photos and conversations? Should critique contain succinct answers or more detailed? Should people who post photos for critique give more information as to the process of their photo taking? What is your opinion?
    Great idea!

  13. #13
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lara
    Do most people feel that Viewfinder should be the open forum to all types of photos and conversations? Should critique contain succinct answers or more detailed? Should people who post photos for critique give more information as to the process of their photo taking? What is your opinion?
    I think that threads in VF usually should tie in to photography somehow, but vague is certainly acceptable. ;) Not that they all need to because getting to know each other on a more personal level can help understand who a person is and why they might be asking a question or what their background is. Sharing a photograph of something that caught your eye, whether just out walking around, a vacation, new family member or anything all counts. And we've now got the OT forum for the others...! Like I said in Todd's thread, I think that it benefits both critiquer and critiquee to know as much as possible about what the person posting the shot is looking for with feedback.

    PS - I always knew it was those mountain bikers!

    Brian said it best "Ultimately, you get out of here, what you put into it."

  14. #14
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by jar_e

    I understand the slow loading times, I've read the numerous complaints in the Site Feedback area I'm guessing there on the same server than?
    I am not positive if all sites are, but I believe MTBR and Photography are on the same server. MTBR has a HUGE membership.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    [QUOTE=another view]I think that threads in VF usually should tie in to photography somehow, but vague is certainly acceptable. ;) Not that they all need to because getting to know each other on a more personal level can help understand who a person is and why they might be asking a question or what their background is. Sharing a photograph of something that caught your eye, whether just out walking around, a vacation, new family member or anything all counts. And we've now got the OT forum for the others...! Like I said in Todd's thread, I think that it benefits both critiquer and critiquee to know as much as possible about what the person posting the shot is looking for with feedback.

    Agreed on all counts Steve. There are a few posts that really should be in OT rather than Viewfinder. If the topic has no photo or no question/remark about photography, we need to be using OT for that. A few of us, me included, have not been too sure where to post sometimes. I posted photos of my new grandson in Viewfinder. Besides wanting to share the joy with our community, I was kind of happy with a couple of the shots and did want to post them to see if others felt I was heading in the right direction. Should I have posted them in critique?, maybe, but it was a tough call on my part. I wasn't sure. Basically I was thrilled I got some photos of the event in focus.

    PS - I always knew it was those mountain bikers!
    Mountain Bikers, gotta love'em.

    Brian said it best "Ultimately, you get out of here, what you put into it.
    Yep, he's right!

  16. #16
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    I'm pretty sure you cannot implement this change, but I would really love it if there was a way: ;)

    I would love it if this site could be on some sort of speakerphone/microphone attached to my head, so that I could be hearing posts and replying to them while still getting other things done.

    Maybe I could clip a little monitor to my hip in order to view pictures when needed, but otherwise I wish it was voice responsive, like a party line telephone conversation.

    ...see, I've just gotten so darn busy this summer that I don't have time to come here ... there are other, more urgent things to be doing.

    But in all seriousness, would there be a way to post a tiny thumbnail of the pictures posted on the boards (kinda like the way you get a preview of the message when you pass your mouse over the thread title and hold a moment), so that maybe my curiosity about the picture might be piqued more than the title of the thread can accomplish?
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  17. #17
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    How about this...if you are feeling the boards are slow, or the photos are uninspiring, start a discussion or post a good photo.
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  18. #18
    drg is offline
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Todd's recent thread about how things have gotten a little quiet here lately has a lot of good replies. I started thinking about it, and thought that maybe some good suggestions for additions or changes to the site could come from this.

    So let us know: If you could change one thing here, what would it be? Something new, something different, what's on your mind?

    I'll make Photo John aware of this thread, and hopefully there is a way that we can implement some of these changes.
    To echo the concerns about slow loading and to expand on that, it seems that there has been an increase in the forum posts that contain URL's to offsite images that are QUITE large. I've seen at least one posting where there was 20+ Mb of information coming down the pipe before I just terminated it as I was on a notebook via wireless at lunch.

    There also have been several where large JPEG's were embedded, 2-4 Mb each, and there were 3 or 4 photos per posting times the occasionally person who quotes the post in their reply and doesn't remove the photos. This seriously slows down any server.

    I don't mind links to other sites or the gallery (I use them) but if they are inserted as hyperlinks as opposed to embedded they don't load unless someone specifically clicks on them.

    The forums need photos, but if you have to wait a long time, people stop visiting!

    Thats my one big concern for today.

    O.K. one more -

    A rather hot and heated discussion regarding nudes that resulted in a new gallery that no one is using! Just a continually growing post that isn't contributing any thing about photography. Quit talking people, get naked, and get out the cameras if you want! Or get naked, call me, and I'll bring the Octabox and seamless paper.

    More gripes later if I really come up with anything worthwhile . . .
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  19. #19
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Lara, I don't see any problem with posting photos of your grandson in VF. If you wanted a critique on the lighting, composition, etc then it should be in critique but this wasn't the case. Share away!

    Kelly, good to "see" you back - hope all is going well. I was afraid to start this post because there could be some great ideas that we couldn't do, and that would be a real bummer. But let's give this a shot and see what does come up - maybe there is something we can do. At least get a little more understanding of what people want.

    Adina, that's just so true!

    drg, the thing about the heated discussion over nudes and few images coming from it is similar to what I was thinking about here. I wanted to try to keep that from happening - lots of discussion but little action. Good point about the uploads and files being way too large. 400x600 or 450x600 loads quickly and can be uploaded to this site. Personally, I think that image size works just fine in almost all cases.

  20. #20
    Ilford Nut Dzerzhinski46's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    I wanted to partly echo Todd's concerns. I have noticed that a lot of people are posting images to be critiqued, but practically no one seems to be critiquing. It seems to me that many people are not reading the "suggestions" about how to use the Critique Forum. It says to "give back as much as you recieve". Several times I have posted a photo, and it has steadily dropped to the bottom of the heap because of a pile up of uncritiqued pictures. Okay, I exaggerate, but it becomes very irritating when hardly anyone takes the time to critique, which is what the Critique Forum is for. All right, raving rant done with. I know not much can be done about this, but thanks for the chance to blow off a little steam.

    "But what is strength without a double share of wisdom." John Milton

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  21. #21
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Todd's recent thread about how things have gotten a little quiet here lately has a lot of good replies. I started thinking about it, and thought that maybe some good suggestions for additions or changes to the site could come from this.

    So let us know: If you could change one thing here, what would it be? Something new, something different, what's on your mind?

    I'll make Photo John aware of this thread, and hopefully there is a way that we can implement some of these changes.
    Trends come and go. Forums have ups and downs. If we go changing everything at the drop of a hat everythime someone complains about a slow down then we're really gonna end up f'n the whole thing up. We have had a mojor influx of newbies, and some prominent oldies have bowed out, starting with C. Hess and most recently I believe was Nat or Kelly. Things are just in a state of flux around here. It'll settel down sooner or later and then this rocky period will be forgotten. Just give it some time.

    Bottom line: IMO things are fine the way they are.
    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
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  22. #22
    learning member
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    just one thing?
    Drop reply to this post. Quik reply w/quote message box is fine.
    Add an upload photos opt and upgrade is complete.
    Flashram was onto this a long time ago.
    I espeacially like using quick reply in photo critique, as the photo is viewable while writing post.
    just one thing? Shoot! How about another crit area called something like my best shot.
    Let photo critique be for polished final photos, and my best shot be for I like this pic how can I improve it?.
    To prevent photo crit from becoming too sparse, moderators could be responsible for kicking posts up from my best shot to crit.
    Something between crit and viewfinder would be nice.
    Well, thats 2 thoughts, and dosent really address Todds concerns.
    Oh well,

  23. #23
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Talking A little history...

    I am sure you know this Lara, but if it weren't for MTBR there would probably be no
    So don't be putting down those of us who mountain bike!
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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  24. #24
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Hi all..good discussion. As one of the newest members, both to PR and photography in general, I have a few comments about the PR site in general. First of all, when I started last month, I wasn't sure what the site was or even how to use it. However, the descriptions of each forum was very clear and hence I posted a few pics on VF. Since I've posted on only one other site and that was "Sports"...I don't know if you'd call what I do photography or picture taking, but the one thing I can say is that since first posting on VF, I have learned a ton about "photography". I'm probably still more of a picture taker, but now I really think about what I'm doing and why. As for new forums...I think PR and all of the moderators have done a great job with this site. I said before, It's well thought out and the descriptions are excellent. As for the VF site...I like the fact that it is the "living room". I think we really need a place where it makes no difference what we post but the comeraderie that is built. Let the other forums be for more critiquing. I think that by not being afraid to post is the most important factor to a successful "general (VF)" forum.
    To close this thought, if everyone wants to limit posting on the VF forum, then I think a new site could be...."What Ever You Want To Post" forum. hehe...
    Thank you for allowing my 2 cents.

  25. #25
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: If you could change one thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Good point about the uploads and files being way too large. 400x600 or 450x600 loads quickly and can be uploaded to this site. Personally, I think that image size works just fine in almost all cases.
    A few posts mentioned loading times and I wanted to comment. I'm on dialup, using an accelerator, and an older computer w/ very little RAM, and for the most part, I can load fairly rapidly. I sometimes view the site at my daughters, who has dsl, and my dialup is, for the most part, only slightly slower. Maybe I'm just lucky, because other sites I try to get into are almost impossible to get into, and considering the amount of graphics here...I consider the speed of loading very good.

    I think we would all like "instant" gratification, but as for my situation, I'm very happy with the load times.

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